Corporate Philosophy

CSR Declaration

The Chubu Electric Power Group, which operates a business with high public interest, including a stable supply of energy, fulfills CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) through its business activities, and together with its stakeholders, contributes to develop a medium- to long-term sustainable society.
We have established the "Chubu Electric Power Group CSR Declaration" in order to convey to all stakeholders the concept of CSR of the Group as an easy-to-understand and clear message.
Based on this declaration, we will promote ESG management and meet the expectations of society, such as the achievement of SDGs, by having each and every employee steadily carrys out his or her own duties.

Chubu Electric Power Group CSR Declaration

Fulfilling Our Responsibilities and Meeting Society's Expectations

Chubu Electric Power Group, as a corporate group which aims to continue to grow with our customers and society, is committed to:

Contributing to the development of a sustainable society by giving top priority to safety and striving to both provide a stable supply of energy and protect the global environment. We aim to accomplish these goals through business activities that allow the individuality of group companies to be fully expressed while achieving group synergy in enterprises within our core competence in energy;

Managing our businesses in a fair and sincere manner by observing national and international laws, regulations, and social rules, and by respecting corporate ethics; and

Respecting human rights, giving priority to mutual communication with our stakeholders and maintaining high levels of transparency and openness in our business activiites.


We are committed to providing our customers with safe, reliable, convenient, and affordable energy services, as well as other services of value that meet their needs.

Shareholders and Investors

We are striving to maintain and increase profits for our shareholders and investors through efficient management and effective investment.

Local Communities

We are determined to contribute to sustainable local development in partnership with local communities.

Business Partners

We promise to deal fairly with our business partners on even ground and work together to increase the transparency and soundness of our entire supply chain.


We respect individuals and strive to create a bright and rewarding workplace where diverse human resources can play active roles.

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