Financial Information

Management Index Data

If you want to know in more detail, please refer to Investors' Data Book 2024.

Investors' Data Book 2024

Financial Highlights (Consolidated)

Note) Figures are rounded down in principle.

Operating Revenues / Operating Income (Loss)
Operating Revenues / Operating Income (Loss)
Ordinary Income (Loss) / Ordinary Income excluding time lag / Net Income (Loss) attributable to owners of parent
Ordinary Income (Loss) / Ordinary Income excluding time lag / Net Income (Loss) attributable to owners of parent

*Ordinary Income excluding time lag : Approx. Billions of Yen.

Total Assets / Shareholders' Equity / Shareholders' Equity Ratio
Total Assets / Shareholders' Equity / Shareholders' Equity Ratio
Outstanding Interest-bearing Debt / Dept Equity Ratio
Outstanding Interest-bearing Debt / Dept Equity Ratio
Cash Flows from Operating Activities / Cash Flows from Investing Activities / Free Cash Flow
Cash Flows from Operating Activities / Cash Flows from Investing Activities / Free Cash Flow

(Billions of Yen)

Consolidated Financial Data FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Operating Revenues 3,065.9 2,935.4 2,705.1 3,986.6 3,610.4
Operating Income (Loss) 130.8 145.6 (53.8) 107.0 343.3
Ordinary Income (Loss) 191.8 192.2 (59.3) 65.1 509.3
<Ordinary Income excluding time lag> (Approx. Billions of Yen) <153.0> <169.0> <67.0> <156.0> <371.0>
Net Income (Loss) attributable to owners of parent 163.4 147.2 (43.0) 38.2 403.1
Total Assets 5,500.8 5,686.3 6,174.7 6,455.1 7,108.6
Shareholders' Equity 1,894.3 2,031.1 2,017.1 2,060.8 2,585.5
Outstanding Interest-bearing Debt 2,425.0 2,333.6 2,800.2 2,925.7 3,079.1

Index Highlights (Consolidated)

DPS (Dividends per Share) / EPS (Earnings per Share)
DPS (Dividends per Share) / EPS (Earnings per Share)
TSR (Total Shareholder Return) / TOPIX Total Return Index
TSR (Total Shareholder Return) / TOPIX Total Return Index
ROA (Return on Assets) *Excluding time lag
ROA (Return on Assets) *Excluding time lag
ROE (Return on Equity) *Excluding time lag
ROE (Return on Equity) *Excluding time lag
ROIC (Return on Invested Capital) *Excluding time lag
ROIC (Return on Invested Capital) *Excluding time lag
PER (Price Earnings Ratio)
PER (Price Earnings Ratio)

*PER was not calculated in which net loss was redorded in FY2021.

PBR (Price Book-value Ratio)
PBR (Price Book-value Ratio)

If you want to know in more detail, please refer to Investors' Data Book 2024.

Investors' Data Book 2024

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