Workforce health and safety management

Safety and Health Declaration

The Basic Safety and Health Policy articulates Chubu Electric Power’s policy to create a better environment so that our work colleagues, including our subcontractors, can devote themselves to their work in a safe and healthy way and work actively. Under the Basic Policy, we have formulated the Safety and Health Principles of Action as a specific code of conduct for executives and employees to foster a corporate culture and workplace atmosphere, which value people.

Workforce health and safety management

Structure to promote safety and health activities

In order to foster a culture of safety and promote health management, we hold a meeting of the Safety & Health Promotion Committee on a periodic basis. As key goal indicators (KGIs) shared among the three Chubu Electric Power companies, we have selected “zero fatal industrial accidents“ and “improvement of absenteeism and presenteeism” and set a quantitative target for each to monitor the status of achievement and progress in implementing related measures at each company. The Safety and Health Committee of each business company also formulates targets and action plans and implements a plan-docheck-act (PDCA) cycle.

Structure to promote safety and health activities

Providing safety and health training

Senior management, as leaders for fostering a culture of safety and promoting health management, have been receiving safety and health training by outside specialists. In FY2023, 32 executives participated in the program that spanned over the period of six months and undertook safety and health initiatives while setting targets by themselves.

For heads of the departments who are the key persons for safety and health activities in each workplace, we provide workshop-style training designed to raise awareness, encourage behavior change and instill the Safety and Health Principles of Action in the workplace. In FY2023, 77 group heads attended the training. Additionally, we are enhancing rank-based safety and health training for employees holding managerial positions, new employees and others.

Initiatives related to safety

Prevention of Industrial Accidents

Based on the principles of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Guidelines for Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (OSHMS)," specially trained safety specialists evaluate and report on the safety and health activities carried out at each of the three Chubu Electric Power Company business sites, and each business site independently works to make continuous improvements based on these evaluations.

Workplace interview
Workplace interview

Preventing recurrence of industrial accidents

Upon the occurrence of an industrial accident, safety specialists will check the accident site, question the relevant departments and provide support for everything from the investigation of the root cause to formulation of countermeasures. In this way, we are working to prevent the recurrence of the same or similar accidents.

Safety conferences

Chubu Electric Power holds safety conferences with the participation of management and employees of the three Chubu Electric Power companies and managers of our subcontractors. Through the contents, Chubu Electric Power shares with the subcontractors, who are our business partners, the strong commitment of "safety takes priority over all else" and makes concerted efforts to proactively practice safety activities.

FY2024 safety conference
FY2024 safety conference

Initiatives related to health

For achieving well-being

  • With a conviction that all work colleagues “will remain healthy throughout our lives,” Chubu Electric Power has been promoting health management and striving to create an environment where employees can remain healthy both physically and mentally and work with vitality so as to increase motivation at work and performance and ultimately enhance corporate value.
  • We seek to achieve well-being by supporting all employees both physically and mentally regardless of their age, gender or job category.
Initiatives related to health

Health promotion using a wearable device

  • Distributing a wearable device to all willing employees
  • Promoting initiatives to visualize health data and encourage maintenance and improvement of health
Health promotion using a wearable device

Health education to new employees

  • Providing health education from when joining the Company in order to reduce the future health risk of younger generations
  • Industrial health staff members serving as lecturers to teach basic knowledge on exercise, diet and sleep and also providing individual health guidance
Health education to new employees

Sleep-support measures

  • Training on the importance of sleep and improving related literacy
  • Setting work shift interval targets
Sleep-support measures

Initiatives for early detection and prevention of diseases

  • Letting all employees to receive comprehensive medical checkups, for which the Company incurs the related costs
  • Providing health guidance by about 50 industrial health staff members throughout the Company to all employees
Initiatives for early detection and prevention of diseases

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