Disclosure Policy
Basic Stance on Information Disclosure
The company’s basic stance is to provide timely and appropriate disclosure of corporate information in an accurate, prompt and fair manner in compliance with laws and regulations to shareholders, investors and all stakeholders.
Information Disclosure Standard and Method
The company discloses important information that may affect investment decisions as prescribed by the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, Companies Act and other relevant laws and regulations as well as the rules on timely disclosure as defined by the stock exchanges on which the company’s securities are listed.
Financial statements and other such reports are disclosed via the electronic disclosure system EDINET and disclosures of information in accordance with the rules on timely disclosure via the timely disclosure information transmission system TDnet, and then also posted on this website without delay.
In addition, the company strives to proactively disclose information not prescribed under the aforementioned disclosure standards or other criteria but that may be helpful to shareholders and investors in developing a better understanding of the company.
Press releases are issued to media organizations, briefings held for securities analysts and institutional investors, dialogues are promoted through responses to investor relations interviews and other such requests, publications and other documents issued relating to financial results and annual reports, in addition to the use of various other means to reach even more investors and thereby properly and fairly disclose information.
Such information is also published on this website whenever possible.
Forward-Looking Statements
Projections and other forward-looking information that the company discloses incorporate uncertainties and risks.
Accordingly, actual results may differ significantly from information disclosed.
Investment Decisions
The purpose of content posted on this website is to provide information. It is not to solicit investment in the company’s shares or other securities, nor serve as a recommendation to buy or sell them.
Quiet Period
In order to prevent leaks of financial information and ensure the fairness of the information provided, the company observes a three-week quiet period prior to the announcement of financial results, during which we voluntarily restrain from engaging in investor relations activities. Accordingly, the company will refrain from providing information about financial reports and replying to inquiries during the quiet period.