Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

November 2019 Regular Press Conference : President Katsuno's Message

November 26, 2019
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

I will be discussing the following matters today:

  • Efforts to ensure thorough compliance
  • Outlook for electric power demand and supply this winter
  • Implementation of company-wide disaster prevention training

Efforts to ensure thorough compliance

  • First, I would like to talk about the efforts that are being made to ensure thorough compliance.
  • The KEPCO gift scandal that was brought to light in September was an event that has a major impact on society, and we are taking this issue very seriously as a fellow public utility.
  • Following the scandal, our company has conducted interviews with current board members/executive officers as well as board members, etc. who were in charge of nuclear power in the past decade, to confirm that no similar incidents occurred at our company.
  • Also, we are drawing lessons from this incident and using it to straighten up ourselves, and following discussions at the compliance promotion meeting, we have established the “Chubu Electric Power Group bribery/corruption prevention policies.”
  • These policies give shape to the action principles of our basic compliance policy, and stipulate the code of conduct for establishing a fair and transparent relationship with all of our stakeholders, including our customers, business partners, and the local communities, etc.
  • Along with the establishment of these principles, we have also established “guidelines” in order to prevent the acceptance of gifts that go beyond protocol or so-called business etiquette, and enable all of our executives and employees to make decisions regarding the acceptance of gifts based on uniform rules.
  • Specifically, the acceptance of gifts from anyone involved in our business will be prohibited in principle, and in particular, the acceptance of all cash or negotiable gift certificates, etc., will be prohibited. We will also clarify company rules regarding reporting and management in the event that gifts were accepted, including items that cannot be accepted.
  • I personally sent out the details regarding these policies in a company-wide message, and we will make efforts to ensure thorough compliance by having management-level employees in each workplace spread awareness through the company, etc.
  • We will continue to reflect the good practices acquired by the “Corporate Ethics Committee” of the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan and the investigation results of KEPCO’s third-party committees, etc., in an appropriate manner. In addition, we will make consistent efforts to ensure thorough compliance by constantly ascertaining the situation and achieving accountability based on those results.

Outlook for electric power demand and supply this winter

  • Next, I would like to talk about the outlook for electric power demand and supply in the Chubu area this winter.
  • In terms of the electric power demand for this winter, we are assuming a maximum three-day power average of 23,110 MW for January and February, and as we have secured the required capacity, we foresee a stable supply of power for this winter as well.
  • As it is possible to encounter situations such as equipment problems, decreased photovoltaic generation output due to sudden weather changes, and increases in power demand, our group will work together and focus our minds on ensuring a stable supply. 
  • Although we will not request our customers to make any particular power saving efforts this winter, from the standpoint of efficient energy use and reducing carbon dioxide emissions, etc., we would like to ask customers to continue to conserve energy when possible.

Implementation of company-wide disaster prevention training

  • Finally, I would like to talk about our company-wide disaster prevention training that will be conducted on November 29.
  • Our company conducts a company-wide disaster prevention training every year in order to prepare for the Nankai megathrust earthquakes and other major disasters, and for this fiscal year, we will conduct training with approximately 10,000 people expected to participate from all the workplaces.
  • The training this year will assume a large-scale outage and nuclear power disaster caused by Nankai megathrust earthquakes that occur at 9am on a weekday.
  • The training will be conducted without presenting a scenario in advance, and will deal with the initial response involving the establishment of an “Emergency Disaster Response Headquarters” to handle the large-scale outage following the earthquake, and an “Emergency Response Headquarters” to handle nuclear disasters, or assessing the extent of the damage followed by subsequent response to ensure early restoration, etc.
  • This ends my presentation.

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