Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference
Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference
September 2020 Regular Press Conference : President Hayashi's Message
September 29, 2020
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
I will be discussing the following matters today:
- Electric power supply and demand results for this summer in the Chubu area
- Personnel assignments of executive officers
Electric power supply and demand results for this summer in the Chubu area
- First, I would like to talk about the electric power supply and demand during this past summer.
- This summer saw a continuation of low temperature days as the number of hours of sunlight in Nagoya was the fewest ever observed in the first half of summer in July. Nevertheless, this suddenly changed with a record heat wave running from mid through late August.
- Looking at the amount of electric power demand in the Chubu area in August which was released yesterday, it was down 5.4% year-on-year due to reduced cooling system operation on account of the low temperatures during the first half of summer as well as other factors.
- Nevertheless, the heat wave extending from mid through late August pushed up demand for electric power. The maximum three-day power average was 25,860 MW, the second highest it has been since the Great East Japan Earthquake. The maximum power at a single point was 26,230 MW recorded on August 20, the highest figure since the 2011 earthquake.
- Despite the record-breaking heat wave increasing demand for electric power, we were able to ensure the supply reserve margin necessary throughout summer and deliver a stable supply of electric power.
- In addition, although it is difficult to clearly identify the extent of the decrease in demand due to COVID-19, the results for high and extra-high voltage demand indicate a decrease of 6.8 percent for August compared to the previous year. Demand has recovered slowly from the 17.4% drop recorded in May when a state-of-emergency had been declared.
- The effect on electric power demand due to concerns about more COVID-19 waves, changes in the social structure and other factors remains unclear. Nevertheless, we will continue to closely monitor these trends in the months and years ahead.
Personnel Assignments of Executive Officers
- Next, I would like to discuss the personnel assignments of executive officers.
- Ordinarily, executive officer personnel assignments take effect on July 1, but we took into account the COVID-19 pandemic and other unusual circumstances and implemented the majority of the assignments on October 1 this year.
- The Chubu Electric Power Group has sought to utilize its human resources and assign personnel with the goal of balancing the “autonomous management of our business companies” and “optimization of the entire Chubu Electric Power Group.”
- Having just executed the company split in April of this fiscal year and considering the timing right after we established that system, we have endeavored to reassign the minimum number of personnel necessary while, at the same time, implement strategic personnel assignments, increasing the number of personnel in our new businesses, overseas businesses and renewable energy business, enterprises which will provide new revenue bases for us to achieve our management targets. Accordingly, 1,425 personnel were reassigned this year, a decrease of 57 compared to the previous fiscal year.
- Also, with regard to “empowering women” which is a key management issue, our goal for FY2020 has been to more than double the number of women in executive positions than in FY2014.
- This year, which is the last fiscal year in which to achieve this goal, we promoted 50 women bringing the total number of women in executive positions to 229 and achieving our goal of doubling the number of women in executive positions over the number in FY2014, which was 109.
- I believe that ever since 2007 when we established the Office for Promotion of Empowerment of Women, the variety of measures that we have continually built up, including improved training for women employees, duty assignments and personnel transfers that encourage women employees to accelerate their growth, and the development of a working system for child and family care have enabled us to achieve our goal.
- In the future as well, we will strive through not only to empower women but also implement initiatives that promote diversity in order to create an environment in which our diverse human resources are able to actively participate and contribute in a broad-range of working styles.
- Lastly, I would like to make an announcement about TECHNO FAIR 2020.
- TECHNO FAIR is held annually by the Research and Development Division to showcase our research and development efforts. This year marks the 28th occasion for us to hold this event.
- This year we will feature results of our latest technology developments including:
- Nuclear safety technology
- Stable supply in the new era
- Initiatives for creating community support infrastructure
- Core and advanced technologies supporting the energy business
- This year, to prevent COVID-19 infections, the scale of this year’s event will be reduced through careful selection of event booths and the adoption of an advance reservation system. In addition, we will be posting videos demonstrating our research efforts on a special page of our company website through the end of the year.
- This ends my presentation.