Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

June 2021 Regular Press Conference : President Hayashi's Message

June 25, 2021
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

Today, I was appointed as president of Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. at the Annual Shareholders Meeting and ensuing Board of Directors Meeting, marking my second year since I initially took the helm of the company.

I will be discussing the following matters today:

  • 97th Annual Shareholders Meeting
  • Newly-Appointed Directors
  • Executive Officer Assignments

97th Annual Shareholders Meeting

  • First, I would like to discuss the 97th Annual Shareholders Meeting. I am pleased to report that the meeting went smoothly thanks to everyone’s support and involvement.
  • To protect the health of shareholders and prevent spread of the novel coronavirus, this year’s Annual Shareholders Meeting was livestreamed. At the meeting venue, we also implemented measures, such as arranging the seating to maintain social distancing, as was done last year to prevent any spread of infection.
  • In order to minimize the duration of time shareholders were gathered together, we simplified deliberations of some of the items on the agenda.
  • This year’s Annual Shareholders Meeting finished in 1 hour and 51 minutes, which was 17 minutes longer than last year’s meeting. It was attended by 106 shareholders, the smallest turnout since we began recording attendance in 1988.
  • The Annual Shareholders Meeting heard the company’s business status report for FY2020, and deliberated seven items on the agenda: three items presented by the company and four items submitted by shareholders. The three company-presented agenda items were approved.
  • Shareholders offered invaluable opinions and asked questions about important management issues which we respectfully answered, including:
  • Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station
  • How affiliates are developing mega solar power plants
  • Customer service
  • Approach to the ratio of women directors and managers
  • Measures for preventing service interruptions
  • Efforts to increase adoption of EVs

Newly-Appointed Directors

  • Moving on, let me introduce the two directors newly elected at today’s Annual Shareholders Meeting.
  • Ihara Ichiro is a Senior Managing Executive Officer, General Manager of the Nuclear Power Division, and Chief Nuclear Officer (CNO).
    At the Board of Directors meeting following the Annual Shareholders Meeting, he was elected to serve as a director.
  • Ito Hisanori is a Senior Managing Executive Officer, General Manager of the Corporate Planning & Strategy Division, and Chief Information Officer (CIO).
  • With this new management team, we will marshal the Chubu Electric Power Group’s comprehensive strengths to propel forward initiatives making full use of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station, providing resilient and optimal energy services, offering new value with utilization of community support infrastructures, and proceeding to decarbonize together with our community and customers so that we may ultimately realize our management vision.

Executive Officer Assignments

  • Lastly, I would like to talk about the personnel assignments of our executive officers effective July 1.
  • The number of personnel changes totals 1,355, which is 70 less than the previous fiscal year.
  • This year, we established the Project Promotion Department at the Renewable Energy Company to accelerate the expansion of renewable power sources. We have made strategic personnel assignments toward realizing our management vision, such as establishing business units specializing in community support infrastructure at Chubu Electric Power Grid to further strengthen our ties with communities.
  • With regard to ‘empowering women’ which is one of our key management challenges, our goal is to more than triple the number of women executives by FY2025 from the total in such positions in FY2014. We promoted 23 women to executive positions this fiscal year.
  • We will continue to proactively promote and assign women employees with the goal of achieving this target. We will also foster a corporate culture where all employees may demonstrate their individuality and capabilities as they cooperate with each other to create new value and services.
  • I personally will be at the forefront of these new organizations and personnel assignments within Chubu Electric Power as we take up a variety of challenges in our aim to be a corporate group that the community and society trust.
  • Lastly, we will be entering the month of July next week, so I would like to say one thing about our response to electric power supply and demand this summer in the Chubu area.
    We project that we will be able to ensure a 3% reserve capacity, the minimum necessary for a stable supply, even if the most severe weather experienced in the Chubu area during the past ten years occurs, by employing cross-regional interconnecting lines, increasing output of our thermal power plants, and making use of adjusting capacity during critical times.
  • Power supply and demand conditions remain severe. We will continue to effectively operate and maintain our power stations and transmission facilities so that we may deliver a stable supply of electricity. In addition, we will strive to communicate information about electric power supply and demand in a timely manner.

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