Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference
Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference
July 2022 Regular Press Conference : President Hayashi's Message
July 27, 2022
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
- Firstly, as Senior Managing Executive Officer Mizutani explained, consolidated revenue of the first quarter increased by 241 billion yen year-on-year due to increase in fuel cost adjustment charges.
- Ordinary income decreased by 16.3 billion yen year-on-year due to time-lag gain turning into a time-lag loss resulting from fuel price rise. Revenue increased and income decreased for the first time in five years.
- Business forecast is undetermined since fluctuations of resource prices and wholesale electric power exchange prices are high and uncertainty is expected to continue including the situation of Sakhalin-2.
We will make an announcement as soon as rational assumptions become possible. - In such an extremely severe business environment, the Chubu Electric Power Group will promote thorough cost reduction through streamlining measures based on ideas that are not extensions of past measures.
- Additionally, Chubu Electric Power Miraiz announced yesterday:
- Start of consideration to review standard menus for special high voltage and high voltage
- Change of fuel cost adjustment system for low-voltage free rate menu
- In May, we resumed accepting applications for electricity rate menus that reflect market prices, but since many customers are asking for a menu with less risk of price fluctuations, we will review standard menus so as to be provided with fixed rate.
- We will give a prompt notice as soon as review details have been confirmed, while quickly reviewing the menus so that we can resume accepting applications by January next year and apply them from April.
- In changing the fuel cost adjustment system, the upper limit on the average fuel price to calculate the fuel cost adjustment charge will be abolished for electricity rates from December this year for the free rate plan targeting low-voltage customers such as households, due to recent fuel price rise.
- A notice will be sent to customers subscribing to subject electricity charge menus via email between September and October.
- Today I will be discussing the following four matters:
- Initiatives in the medical and healthcare area
Initiatives in the Medical and Healthcare Area
- The Chubu Electric Power Group takes on the challenge of transforming the business model in order to deliver new values required by the local community and customers and aims to provide energy as well as services that solve social issues and meet customer needs.
- In the "medical and healthcare area,” we have been promoting various initiatives in cooperation with universities and local governments.
(Initiatives of Medical Data Card, Inc.)
- In September 2020, Medical Data Card, Inc. became our consolidated subsidiary. It has developed and deployed services that connect patients and medical institutions, such as an app for online diagnosis of patients at home and mechanism for sharing the test results with patients, in cooperation with Keio University Hospital.
- Since these services enabled medical institutions to promptly share the test results with patients, Medical Data Card, Inc. is working on system linkage with institutions that conduct laboratory tests on behalf of clinics and other small medical institutions, so that the services can be used by many customers.
- System linkage with multiple testing institutions used by about half of clinics in Japan is expected to be established soon, which will help the services of Medical Data Card, Inc. become available in a wide range of regions.
- Today, I would like to introduce new initiatives that will develop the services of Medical Data Card, Inc. and contribute to promoting the health of patients.
( Initiatives of Ubie, Inc.)
- Chubu Electric Power agreed to a business alliance with Ubie, Inc., and acquired shares upon subscribing to a portion of Ubie’s allocation of new shares to a third party.
- Ubie, Inc. is a startup company founded by a doctor and an engineer, and provides services to both customers and medical institutions under the mission “To develop a healthcare guide for everyone with technology."
- In the customer-targeted service, users can find nearby medical institutions that match the disease name or symptoms just by answering questions about their symptoms on the app or website of Ubie, Inc.
- The service is being widely used nationwide, with monthly users exceeding 5 million people in two years since its launch in April 2020.
- Additionally, the service targeting medical institutions delivers data of symptoms confirmed before the patients come to the place. This has been introduced at more than 15,000 institutions, accounting for approx. 20% of those in Japan. Registrations are still increasing at around 1,000 institutions per month.
( Pairing of Medical Data Card, Inc. and Ubie, Inc.)
- Medical Data Card, Inc. and Ubie, Inc. were paired through this business alliance. First, we will deliver a service that provides everything from searching a medical institution that matches your symptoms to sharing the test results with the patient in an integrated manner without barriers, by the end of this fiscal year.
- In FY2023, we will evolve it into a service that can be used with even greater reassurance by each and every doctor or patient, by improving the service’s functionality through the use of data from past medical interviews and test results accumulated in the app and vital data such as body weight and blood pressure stored in Chubu Electric Power’s cloud.
- We will also link this service with “Kizuna Net” and “Club KatEne” of the Chubu Electric Power Group so as to provide services for child rearing, security and energy solution as a whole. By creating an environment where individuals can use the service that matches their own need, we will contribute to realizing a more “convenient” and “safe and secure” lifestyle for our customers and local community.
- The Chubu Electric Power Group will take the business alliance with Ubie, Inc. as an opportunity to largely develop our initiatives in the medical and healthcare area, and realize sustainable growth with our customers and local community by delivering new values derived from solving social issues.
- Lastly, while we are asking for cooperation from our customers in saving electricity due to the electricity demand and supply this summer, the Chubu Electric Power Group will continue to take all possible measures for stable power supply through thorough operation and maintenance of our power stations and transmission and substation facilities.
- This ends my presentation.