Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

November 2022 Regular Press Conference : President Hayashi's Message

November 24, 2022
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

I will be discussing the following matters today:

  • Electricity demand and supply for this winter
  • Company-wide disaster drill

Electricity demand and supply for this winter

  • First, I will talk about electricity demand and supply for this winter.
  • As announced on November 10, we expect to be able to deliver electricity stably to the Chubu area this winter as a result of efforts including the public tender conducted in August for additional supply capacity. A supply reserve margin of 5.6% is projected for January when demand and supply is tightest this winter, surpassing the 3% rate required for stable supply.
  • At the same time, electricity demand could increase due to sharp drop in temperature, supply capacity could fall from unforeseen plant or transmission and transformation facilities, and outlook for fuel procurement continues to be uncertain with the effects of the War in Ukraine.
  • Given this situation, the three Chubu Electric Power Group companies will do their utmost to ensure a stable supply by taking all possible measures on both the supply and demand sides.
  • On the supply side, we will steadily operate and conduct maintenance on power plants and transmission and transformation equipment to ensure the winter supply capacity will not be compromised.
  • Should electricity demand and supply tighten despite these measures, thermal power plants will be run beyond rated output and power supply I', the balancing capacity to respond to rapid increases in demand due to cold waves, will be put online to maintain stable supply.
  • In addition, 9 general transmission and distribution operators including the Chubu Electric Power Grid secured 1.9 billion kWh worth of fuel for Japan in a joint additional supply kWh public tender to hedge against fuel procurement risk.
  • This heads off electricity shortages from potential rises in LNG and other fuel prices and the possibility that fuel will not be able to be secured stably due to equipment issues at the fuel originating country.
  • On the demand side, we ask the public to cooperate in saving energy to the extent they feel comfortable from December 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023 as requested by the Japanese government.
  • We regret that we have to ask the public to save energy this winter in addition to the summer.
  • This winter, Chubu Electric Power Miraiz has expanded the energy savings program based on the government's subsidy program, making energy savings more approachable for our customers.
  • We've expanded coverage of NACHARGE, the demand-response program that we started offering to household customers this summer, and service where, if the monthly electricity usage falls below that of the same month of the previous year, the electricity rate is discounted, to corporate customers.
  • We also have launched a campaign to encourage customers to replace existing equipment with energy efficient air conditioners and electric heat pumps (EcoCute) for our household customers and an air conditioning cleaning service discount to our corporate customers.
  • Chubu Electric Power Group will continue to do our utmost to deliver electricity stably this winter. We ask for you cooperation in saving energy in ways you feel comfortable.

Company-wide disaster drill

  • Next, I will talk about the company-wide disaster drill held on December 1.
  • In preparation for a large-scale disaster triggered by the likes of a Nankai Trough Megaquake, the Chubu Electric Power Group has been conducting company-wide disaster drills every year to increase employees' ability respond to issues on the ground including recovering equipment swiftly, disseminating information appropriately, and coordinating with municipalities.
  • The drill this year was conducted using a scenario where a Nankai Trough Megaquake occurred on a weekday at 9 a.m. that led to a large-scale blackout and a nuclear disaster.
  • Training was conducted on establishing an Integrated Headquarters for Emergency Response to deal with large-scale blackout and an Emergency Response Headquarters for dealing with nuclear disasters to work on initial response, identifying the extent of damage, and achieving early recovery. 

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