Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

April 2014 Regular Press Conference: Chairman Mita’s Message

April 28, 2014
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

Today I would like to speak about Chubu Electric Power’s executive officers and other matters.

Chubu Electric Power’s executive officers and other matters

(Business conditions)

  • As was just announced, both consolidated and non-consolidated results for FY2013 resulted in net loss and ordinary loss for the third straight year.
  • In terms of power supply, this year we are once again forced to rely on thermal power generation focused on LNG, and the difficult management environment is expected to continue.
  • Under these circumstances, Chubu Electric Power decided to ask for an increase for electricity rates.
  • We apologize to customers for the burden that will be faced by this increase in electricity rates, and we would like to ask for your understanding.
  • Under these circumstances, we are currently making efforts as an entire company to tackle important issues, such as further improved safety of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station, a stable supply of electricity, and management efficiency.
  • On the other hand, while striving to better clarify the management roles and responsibilities last year, we aimed to enhance the process of deliberation among the Board of Directors and speed up decision-making. Therefore, the number of directors on the Board was reduced from 17 people to 12 people.
  • In order to properly deal with current management issues while following this policy, we strived for a group-wide optimal lineup for executive officers this time around.

(Executive system personnel)

  • First of all, I would like to talk about Director candidates.
  • The number of directors will remain the same as prior with 12 members. 10 members have been reappointed, while there are 2 newly appointed members.
  • While important issues pile up, President Mizuno and I will assume responsibility together with four other Directors.
  • Please refer to the documentation for the biographies of the new Director candidates.
  • All candidates have served as executive officers thus far, show a high capacity for executive operations and resolving various challenges, have both an excellent personality and insight, and are sufficiently capable of managing Chubu Electric Power.
  • The transference of retired directors is as shown in the documentation. We hope they will continue to guide and advise management of our company utilizing their experiences thus far.

(Personnel to the Executive Body)

  • Subsequently, I would like to discuss the appointments of personnel to our executive body.
  • In order to continue quickly and steadily solving a large number of issues, it is necessary to further increase corporate’s collective strength.
  • Based on these points, personnel skilled in leadership, management ability, and strategy, with an abundance of work experience in the executive system as well, will be placed in the proper areas to continue working on various issues in unison with management and the field.
  • Also, in order to revitalize the organization again this time around, outstanding young talent will actively be appointed to executive officers and general managers or heads of departments.


  • Although this is a time of great change in the electric business that can even be called a historical turning point, I believe that no matter how difficult the situation, as long as you face it with a strong ambition, the road will be opened up without fail.
  • While this year marks the 5th year of the company structure with President Mizuno and me, we will continue steering management with a strong ambition and a fresh mindset.
  • By continuing to safely and stably deliver electric power together as employees and officers, including group companies, we will continue to strive to contribute to the development of the Chubu region in the future. Thank you for your support.
  • This concludes my remarks for today.

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