Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

March 2015 Regular Press Conference : President Mizuno's Message

March 24, 2015
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

I’d like to talk about the filing of our “FY2015 Electric Power Supply Plan.”

Filing of “FY2015 Electric Power Supply Plan”

  • Chubu Electric Power Company filed its “FY2015 Electric Power Supply Plan” with the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
  • A power supply plan is filed by a power utility in accordance with the provisions of the Electric Utilities Industry Law. It sets forth the plan for supplying electric power for the coming 10-year period together with plans for the installation and operation of electrical facilities during that time.
  • Regarding power supply and demand, we answered “undecided” in response to items concerning nuclear power station plans and supply capacity following from the previous year. We gave this response because we cannot project when we and other companies will be able to resume operations of our nuclear power stations or develop new ones.

(Projected demand)

  • Please view the attached document “Overview of ‘FY2015 Electric Power Supply Plan’” regarding the “Filing of ‘FY2015 Electric Power Supply Plan.’”
  • Regarding the electricity energy sales volume listed in the “Projected Demand” table on the first page, it is estimated to be 127.1 billion kW in FY2024, with the average rate of annual growth from FY2013 to FY2024 at a flat 0.1% after temperature adjustment.
  • In addition, the transmission end maximum power demand is expected to be 23.97 million kW in FY2024, with the average rate of annual growth from FY2013 to FY2024 at a flat minus 0.0% after temperature adjustment.
  • This is a result taking into consideration the trends directly in front of us, such as the latest economic outlooks and the impact of power-saving and energy conservation.
  • The three-day average of maximum power demand in the summer of FY2015 is anticipated to be 23.95 million kW at the transmission end, an increase of 800,000 kW from the actual figure for FY2014.
  • Meanwhile, the supply capacity of FY2015 is expected to remain stable, in comparison to the summer of FY2014, although the supply capacity of the Taketoyo Thermal Power Station Units 2-4 is not expected. This is due to the start of commercial operations of Tokuyama Hydroelectric Power Station Unit 1 and adjustments to the regular inspection periods in other thermal power stations.
  • The government is to examine the more detailed outlook of supply and demand in coming months. Its outcome will be taken into account in seeking customer cooperation for energy conservation on another occasion.

(Main Power Generation Facilities Plan)

  • Please turn to page 2 for the “Power Generation Facilities Plan.”
  • In this plan, regarding the successful bid for Taketoyo Thermal Power Station Unit 5 in the thermal power bid conducted in FY2014, the beginning of operations was recorded as March, 2022. For other plans, there are no significant changes when compared with the previous plan.

(Operating Objectives)

  • Regarding the "Operating Objectives" that Chubu Electric Power normally releases, since we ought to explain these objectives after taking into consideration the management efficiency and performance of various measures for the current fiscal year, it will be published in April from this year onward.

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