Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference
Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference
June 2015 Regular Press Conference: Chairman Mizuno's Message
June 25, 2015
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Hello, I’m Mizuno, and as of today, I am assuming the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors. I look forward to your continued support.
I would like to introduce our new Representative Director, Director, and Corporate Auditor.
Introduction of new officers
- The new Representative Directors and Directors were approved at today's General Meeting of Shareholders, and their duties were decided at the meetings of the Board of Directors and Board of Auditors meetings that followed.
- First, I would like to introduce the new Representative Director, Yoshinori Masuda.
Mr. Masuda is slated to be named Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Corporate Planning & Strategy Division as of July 1. - Next is the new Director, Shigenobu Shimizu.
Mr. Shimizu is due to be named Senior Managing Executive Officer, as well as General Manager of the Customer Service Division and Gas Sales & Service Department as of July 1. - Hideki Ogawa is our new Corporate Auditor.
- I would also like to introduce Michinari Hamaguchi, appointed as our new Outside Corporate Auditor. Mr. Hamaguchi is the former President of Nagoya University and currently serves as a Professor at the same university’s Graduate School of Medicine. Unfortunately Mr. Hamaguchi could not attend this conference today.
- Thank you for your confidence.
A brief overview of these five years
- In my five years in office as President, I reiterated my intention to value the idea of “change what needs to be changed and keep what needs to be kept.”
- The environment surrounding Chubu Electric Power is significantly changing. For instance, the progress in electric power and gas reform is resulting as plans for full electricity/gas retail deregulations within households and other parties, as well as the legal unbundling of the power distribution business.
- Amid these circumstances, we seized the changes as opportunities to develop. In a drive to live up to our customers’ “expectations”, we adopted a “change what needs to be changed” attitude and took unconventional approaches, thereby laying out preparatory steps for our growth.
- In specific terms, these steps include our conclusion of a comprehensive alliance with Tokyo Electric Power, the Freeport Liquefaction Project, and preparations for an energy supply foundation outside the Chubu region; all of which I confidently expect to be essential for our growth strategy.
- In the meantime, as our new Honorary Advisor Mita referred to in his message, our endeavor to serve the public interest with “a long-term, stable supply of safe and affordable energy” is Chubu Electric Power’s unchanged core identity that has been handed down ever since our establishment. This is something we should uphold as “what needs to be kept” regardless of the changes to come in the business environment.
- The groundwork for achieving our growth strategy remains consistent: to gain trust from customers and society by fulfilling this mission and hence supporting the development of the local region and customers’ lives.
As Chairman
- We are now entering a phase to put our preparatory steps into practice to achieve concrete results in the future.
- With the aim to outperform others in the ever-intensifying competition, I hope that Chubu Electric Power makes company-wide efforts under the lead of the incoming President Katsuno to further advance its ongoing growth strategies.
- As the new Chairman, I will make every effort to enable Chubu Electric’s further Group-wide development.
- Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to offer my profoundest gratitude to our customers, shareholders and investors, press members, as well as our employees who always worked together with me to achieve management efficiency and stable electricity supplies.
- That concludes my remarks for today.