Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

September 2015 Regular Press Conference : President Katsuno's Message

September 29, 2015
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

Today I will be discussing the following two matters:

  • New initiatives directed toward the full deregulation of electric power
  • Electrical power supply and demand results for the summer

New initiatives directed toward the full deregulation of electric power

(Development and provision of unique services through the creation of contact opportunities)

  • First, I would like to speak about new initiatives directed toward the full deregulation of electric power.
  • With respect the full deregulation of electric power starting in April next year, Chubu Electric Power will survive this tough competition by expanding its revenue through the expansion of business areas.
  • In order to be continuously chosen by our customers, we will aim to develop our own unique services and provide them to customers ahead of the competitors.
  • We believe that important things during a tough competitive era include the following:
    • Chubu Electric Power will become a "more familiar presence" to customers by creating contact points with customers, deepening relationships, and meeting the needs of our customers
    • Conduct our own unique services by performing wide development through the active cooperation with partner companies in various industries and business categories
    • Developing and providing of services through creativity, ingenuity and flexible thinking, such as the appropriation of KatEne points to electricity rates that will be explained shortly

(Three pillars of sales strategy)

  • In order to expand revenue growth, Chubu Electric Power is moving forward with specific studies in each area with the following sales strategies as its three pillars:
    • 「New services for customers using the company's electricity」
    • 「Business expansion in the Tokyo metropolitan area」
    • 「Entry into gas sales for household use (gas & power) 」
  • Today, as the first step of the sales strategy, I would like to announce the contents of the "New services for customers using the company's electricity," as they have been compiled.

(Three axes of the new service)

  • For contents of new services for customers using the company's electricity, we have deliberated on three keywords to act as the three axes, "New Value," "Region," and "Helpful."
  • “New Value” is “making proposals for new value and benefits that have never been experienced thus far in the lives and business scene of our customers.”
  • “Region” is “the provision of services rooted to the region, such as services related to the transmission of information, safety and security in the areas our customers live in.”
  • “Helpful” is “the provision of services to support the resolution of challenges and worries in life and business.”
  • By providing new services in line with these three axes, we will strive to be the company that customers continue to choose as a "more familiar presence," even after the full deregulation of electric power.    

(New services for household customers)

  • Next up, I would like to talk to you about new services, splitting the topic into "services for household customers" and "services for business customers."
  • First, I would like to talk about “new services for household customers.”
  • We at Chubu Electric Power would like to deliver a new service placing a focus on providing added value in the lives of our customers, as a “life coordinator.”
  • Specifically, we will be beginning the following services:
    • For customers who chose the deregulation rate menu, we will have a service in which customers can appropriate points accumulated on the web member service "KatEne" towards payment of their electricity charges
    • In order to save power, we will have a service to estimate the daily electricity usage amount, and send you an email the following day if your daily use exceeds the set amount
    • As a tool for watching over the elderly, we will provide a service for notifications if electricity usage drops below a set amount
  • I would like to go into further details regarding the service in which customers can appropriate their "KatEne" points to the payment of electricity charges, as well as rate menus compatible with this service.
  • In addition, we have expanded the number of partners capable of using KatEne points from three companies to eight companies, creating an environment in which points can be used more easily.

(Services for business customers)

  • Continuing on, I would like to talk about “new services for business customers."
  • Until now, we at Chubu Electric Power have been providing a variety of information to customers in business fields through the corporate membership web service, "BizEne."
  • With the current “BizEne,” we are providing the following information:
    • Inquiry service to confirm electric charges and usage amount
    • Introduction of energy and power saving points for customers in each industry
    • Introduction of improvement case studies for the energy of actual customers
  • Under the new services for business, we will be beginning the following services:
    • Customer attraction service to deliver customer shop information and advertisements to support the attraction of customers
    • Business consultation phone line to discuss questions and worries related to legal and tax issues in business
    • Accounting help services provided by cloud-based accounting software


  • Lastly, I would like to talk about our company's new TV commercial, "CHUBU DENRYOKU HAJIMERU BU"
  • CHUBU DENRYOKU HAJIMERU BU" is department established with the special mission of promotion, so as to have the company's initiatives widely known.
  • From now on, new services provided by Chubu Electric Power will be made into a series of"CHUBU DENRYOKU HAJIMERU BU" initiatives, and conveyed clearly through TV commercials and the website.        


  • Chubu Electric Power will continue to strive to satisfy customers, understand the needs of its customers and connect this to service, such as "KatEne," the web member services for home customers, and "BizEne," the web member services for corporate customers.
  • In addition, we will continue to widely deliberate on cooperation with companies from various industries and business categories directed at the development of a higher-quality service.
  • For electric rates, Chubu Electric Power is considering new rate menus from a variety of perspectives, such as use of electricity tailored to the lifestyle and needs of customers.
  • With regards to "Business expansion in the Tokyo metropolitan area," and "Entry into gas sales for household use (gas & power)" being currently evaluated, details will be announced once compiled.

Electrical power supply and demand results for the summer

(electrical power supply)

  • Next, I would like to talk about the electrical power supply and demand results for the summer.
  • We at Chubu Electric Power estimated this summer's peak load to be 24,750 MW for the maximum three-day average, assuming a heat wave comparable to that in FY2013, with an assumed single-point peak load of 25,970 MW.
  • In contrast to this, for this summer from July until yesterday (September 28, 2015), the peak load results were 24,780 MW for the maximum three-day average, with a maximum single-point peak load of 24,890 MW.
  • Both were recorded in early August, and we believe this to be due to the heat wave which occurred from late July through early August. Compared to the average year, temperatures remained high, causing cooling operations to increase.
  • The maximum temperature in Nagoya this summer was 38.4℃, and was recorded on August 1.
  • For late August, because temperatures remained low compared to the average year due to the influence of rains and cloudy weather, the peak load which occurred in early August was not exceeded.

(Thanks for energy conservation)

  • This summer as well, I give great thanks to the many people in local communities, including household customers, business customers, and everyone in local governments for the cooperation with respect to power-saving.
  • Thanks to everyone's diligent power-saving cooperation, such as the setting of air-conditioning temperatures and turning off unnecessary lighting, we were able to deliver stable power.
  • I would like to take this opportunity to give great thanks for the cooperation of everyone with respect to power saving.


  • Regarding evaluations related to the power supply and demand results for the summer, since analysis and evaluation of economic impact, etc. are not yet available, we will make a follow-up announcement as soon as a detailed analysis becomes possible.
  • We at Chubu Electric Power will continue to put our best efforts towards being able to deliver a stable supply of electricity to our customers.
  • That concludes my remarks for today.

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