Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

June 2016 Regular Press Conference : Chairman Mizuno's Message

June 28, 2016
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

Today I will be discussing :

  • General Meeting of Shareholders

General Meeting of Shareholders

  • I first would like to report that the General Meeting of Shareholders successfully concluded today.
  • This year's General Meeting was the 16th-longest in our company's history, lasting 2 hours and 57 minutes, while also the 17th-largest with 1,186 shareholders in attendance.
  • In addition to being provided with a report on Chubu Electric Power’s fiscal 2015 business status, attendees at the meeting deliberated on a total of 11 resolutions, consisting of three proposed by the company and eight by shareholders. The three company-proposed resolutions were consequently accepted by a majority of shareholders.
  • Our officers provided thorough answers to shareholders’ questions, ranging from topics on Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station to such critical management issues as:
    • Initiatives associated with the full retail deregulation of electric power
    • JERA Co., Inc., which we position as our growth strategy
    • Our BCP and future prospects for dividends


  • Drastic changes are occurring in the energy business, as observed with the full retail deregulation of electric power that started this April.
  • Nonetheless, our mission as an electric utility to provide environmentally-friendly and high-quality energy in a safe, reasonable and stable manner, under all business conditions, will remain unchanged.
  • Chubu Electric Power Group will look to become a leading total energy service corporation that provides customers with better-than-expected services ahead of competitors. This will be achieved by both making effort to fulfill the unwavering mission of ours, and constantly working to create new value on account of the changing times.
  • With these undertakings, we will continue to serve as a company in which our customers, shareholders, and investors can trust and turn to, and accordingly contribute to the development of our regional community.

Introduction of new officers

  • I now would like to introduce our new Director and two new Corporate Auditors.
  • Our Director and new Corporate Auditors were approved today at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • Akinori Kataoka will take over as our new Director.
  • Meanwhile, our new Corporate Auditors are Kazuhiro Matsubara, appointed as Senior Corporate Auditor, and Kenichi Suzuki, taking the post of Corporate Auditor.
  • Ms. Naoko Nemoto, Financial Economist at the Asian Development Bank Institute, and IBM Japan’s Vice Chairman Mr. Takayuki Hashimoto, have been assigned as our new Outside Directors. Unfortunately they could not attend this conference today.
  • I also would like to introduce our newly appointed Outside Corporate Auditors Ms. Fumiko Nagatomi, a lawyer, and Mr. Nobuaki Katoh, who serves as Chairman of Denso Corporation.
  • Embracing a new management system, Chubu Electric Power Group will combine its collective capabilities to flexibly and swiftly address both the changing business environment and the array of administrative issues, and, in turn, develop in a continued fashion as a Group.

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