Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

June 2018 Regular Press Conference : President Katsuno's Message

June 27, 2018
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

Today I have been appointed as president of Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. in the General Meeting of Shareholders and in the subsequent Board of Directors Meeting, marking my fourth year since first taking the helm of the Company.

I will be discussing the following matters today:

  • The 94th General Meeting of Shareholders
  • New directors
  • Appointment of officers effective July 1

General Meeting of Shareholders

  • First, I would like to talk about the 94th General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • I hereby report that the General Meeting successfully concluded.
  • This year's Meeting lasted 2 hours and 25 minutes with 1,052 shareholders in attendance, becoming the shortest and least-attended General Meeting since the March 2011 disaster.
  • After being debriefed on our business summary of FY2017, attendees deliberated a total of 10 resolutions consisting of five proposed each by the Company and by shareholders. The five Company-proposed resolutions were accepted accordingly.
  • Officers thoroughly answered shareholders’ questions, which revolved around critical management issues including the following in addition to around Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station:
    • Comprehensive alliance
    • Initiatives on renewable energy
    • Gas security system
    • Empowerment of women
  • In the Meeting, shareholders approved the absorption-type split agreement that Chubu Electric Power signed on May 9, 2018 between JERA, marking a particularly significant milestone for the agreement.

Introducing New Directors

  • Next I would like to introduce the three Directors who were newly approved today at the General Meeting.
  • Up first is Satoshi Onoda, Director and Executive Vice President. He also is the President of Chubu Electric Power’s Power Generation Company. Vice President Onoda has been appointed as Representative Director at the Board of Directors Meeting, convened after the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • Next is Yaoji Ichikawa, Senior Managing Executive Officer. He also is the President of Chubu Electric Power’s Power Network Company.
  • Last but not least is Kingo Hayashi, Senior Managing Executive Officer. He also serves as President of Chubu Electric Power’s Sales Company.
  • In addition to displaying high capabilities thus far in executing duties and in resolving management issues of Chubu Electric Power, the new Directors excel in character and have profound insight. This means all three are sufficiently competent to handle the management of the Company.
  • Under a new executive system complemented by the three Directors, we will combine Chubu Electric Power Group’s all-out efforts to fulfill our mission of offering safe, affordable, and stable energy to customers. At the same time, we will harness new technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence to both streamline businesses and establish services in innovative ways.

Appointment of officers effective July 1

  • I now move on to key points concerning the appointment of officers effective July 1.
  • This fiscal year’s officer appointments exceeded last fiscal year by 149, totaling 1,804.
  • Administration and many other departments saw fewer appointments because we reorganized the Company this April, particularly the administration and back-office departments. Appointments overall, however, increased due to plans to consolidate field maintenance construction offices in July.
  • We diligently promoted and assigned female employees again this fiscal year, in connection to the Company’s key management issue of promoting the empowerment of women.
  • Female officers accordingly increased by 17, reaching 162.
  • Moreover, we assigned a woman for the first time as Manager of the Community Customer Service Division; a position responsible for each of Chubu Electric Power Sales Company’s administrative area. In addition, two new female members were assigned as Sales Office Manager, a post that serves at the Power Network Company’s frontlines. Previously only one woman was at that position.
  • We are actively promoting initiatives for the empowerment of female employees, hoping to achieve our goal of more than doubling female officers in FY2020 from FY2014 levels.
  • To this end, Chubu Electric Power will continue to readily roll out measures aiming to reshape the mindset of all employees and the awareness of female employees. Such measures include appointments and duty assignments to encourage faster growth among female employees and training geared toward female employees.
  • With the legal unbundling of the power transmission/distribution sector in 2020 following the full liberalization of the retail electric power and gas market, the business environment surrounding Chubu Electric Power is facing a major turning point. Embracing the new personnel arrangements, the Company will unite and address various issues under my lead.

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