Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference

June 2019 Regular Press Conference : President Katsuno's Message

June 26, 2019
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

Today I have been appointed as president of Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. in the General Meeting of Shareholders and in the subsequent Board of Directors Meeting, marking my fourth year since first taking the helm of the Company.

I will be discussing the following matters today:

  • 95th General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Newly Elected Corporate Officers
  • Personnel Assignments of Executive Officers

General Meeting of Shareholders

  • First, I would like to discuss the 95th General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • I am happy to report that the General Meeting of Shareholders went smoothly.
  • The meeting lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes, which is the 27th longest meeting we have had, and was attended by 944 shareholders, which is the 29th largest meeting ever.
  • We reported on our business situation for the 2018 fiscal year, and deliberated a total of 9 proposals, 6 proposals put forward by the company and 3 proposals made by shareholders. The 6 proposals from the company were approved.
  • In addition to questions about the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station, shareholders also posed a wide range of questions including:
  • The popularity of Kateene Service
  • The impact of the situation in the Strait of Hormuz on fuel transport
  • Renewable energies
  • Securing manpower for power line work

Many other questions and valuable opinions about these topics were also expressed by our shareholders.

  • At today’s General Meeting of Shareholders, our shareholders graciously approved proposals enabling us to appropriately respond to the changing business environment, including an absorption-type split agreement concerning the legally-mandated separation of the transmission and distribution business as well as the addition of the phrase “community support infrastructure business” to our purposes listed in the Articles of Incorporation.
  • We will expand our businesses, raise the level of service and implement other initiatives that develop our operations with the aim of increasing revenue and achieving sustainable growth.

Introduction of New Directors

  • Next, I would like to introduce the one director and one corporate auditor who have been newly elected at today’s General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • First, the new director is Yoshiro Hiraiwa.
  • Next, the new corporate auditor is Shuichi Terada.
  • I would also like to introduce Tadashi Shimao, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Daido Steel Co., Ltd., who has been appointed as an outside director.
  • With this new management team, we will continue to fulfill our abiding mission of safely and inexpensively delivering environmentally-conscious excellent-quality energy stably, and we will continue to take up the challenge of creating new value focused on our changing times.

Personnel Assignments of Executive Officers

  • Lastly, I would like to talk about the personnel assignments of our executive officers effective July 1.
  • The number of personnel changes totals 1,482, which is 322 less than the previous fiscal year.
  • Last fiscal year, we implemented a company-wide reorganization that has led to a reduction in the number of personnel changes this fiscal year. However, in anticipation of the division split off in April 2020, we have continued this year as well to reassign personnel so that each of our companies is able to independently promote its business.
  • Furthermore, so that we may strengthen our efforts for new businesses that will help realize our growth strategy, we have made strategic personnel assignments, including increasing the number of personnel assigned to the Business Creation Division, which was set up in April of this year.
  • With regard to “empowering women” which is a key management issue, this fiscal year as well, we have proactively promoted and assigned women employees to important positions. These efforts have resulted in 27 women being promoted to executive positions this fiscal year.
  • Our goal for FY2020 is to have more than double the number of women in executive positions than there were in FY2014.
  • As part of our efforts to reach this goal, we will continue to proactively implement measures which include “training for women employees” and “apportioning duties and reassigning personnel so as to accelerate the growth of women employees” so that we may help women to be more aware of opportunities as well as reform the attitudes of all of our employees.
  • This ends my presentation.

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