Other Press Conferences
Other Press Conferences
April 2011 Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan PressConference with President
April 15, 2011
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
- About one month has passed since the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake. Let me begin by expressing my sincerest hope for the repose of those who died as a result of this disaster. I would also like to offer my deepest condolences to all those impacted by the disaster, as well as their families and all concerned.
- The serious damage resulting from this earthquake has caused enormous suffering for its victims, and I sincerely wish for the day when they will overcome this bitter experience.
- As for the accident that the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake caused at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, we regard this as a truly serious situation. People living around the power plant are undergoing great hardships, and Chubu Electric Power plans to provide all the support we can to enable conditions to return to normal as soon as possible.
- Today I would like to talk about
- Our post-earthquake response at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station
- The epicenter of the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake of March 11 was in the open sea off the Sanriku coast. This earthquake was measured as having a seismic intensity of 3 on the Japanese scale (which ranges from 1 to 7) in Omaezaki City, location of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station.
- At the time of the earthquake, Reactor Unit No. 3 was out of operation for regular inspection, while the two operating reactors, Units No. 4 and 5, were not impacted and have continued to operate stably.
- Chubu Electric Power is presently collecting information about the accident, but we have already stepped up our tsunami defenses at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station after taking account of announcements from the national government and Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc.
- First, I would like to talk about the tsunami defenses implemented already at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station.
- We have studied the maximum tsunami level at the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station site and surrounding area as based on a study of the historical literature on tsunami that have impacted the area, including that from the 1707 Hoei Eearthquake (assumed to have been a combined Tokai/Tonankai/Nankai Earthquake), and as based on a numerical simulation that took uncertainty into account. The results indicate that the height of a tsunami in the vicinity, even accounting for high tide, would be a maximum of about eight meters above Tokyo Bay mean sea level.
- We believe we have ensured the safety of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station against tsunami, since the area of the power station is located more than 10 meters above Tokyo Bay mean sea level (as compared to the maximum anticipated tsunami height of eight meters), and because of countermeasures such as using waterproof doors on reactor buildings, etc. that contain facilities critical to safety.
- Next, I’d like to talk about tsunami countermeasures we are currently working on.
- In light of the recent accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi and Daini plants, Chubu Electric Power has been taking countermeasures to prevent tsunami from reaching the grounds, as well as countermeasures for coping with flooding if a tsunami nonetheless did reach the grounds.
- First, to prevent flooding on the grounds, we will install a concrete seawall that will be more than 12 meters above Tokyo Bay mean sea level in sections of the back and sides of the sand dunes on the seaward side of the plant.
- Regarding construction of the seawall, measurements, boring surveys and other ground surveys began on April 5 to obtain data for planning the layout of the seawall and designing its structure.
- Measures to cope with flooding if a tsunami did reach the grounds include:
- Erecting water barriers in the sea water pump area
- Inspecting waterproof doors and enhancing their reliability
Moreover, installation of water barriers in the sea water pump area began on April 5.
- We have additionally taken the following measures to deal with emergencies resulting from flooding, such as power loss and equipment failure:
- Securing spare sea water pump motors and temporary submersible pumps
- (Confirmed for Units No. 3 and 4 on March 13; currently making arrangements for Unit No. 5)
- Providing portable power generators to prevent storage batteries from becoming drained, and to ensure pump power (finished deploying 12 units as of April 12)
- Providing portable power pumps, etc. to ensure water supply (finished deploying 12 units as of April 14)
- Installing nitrogen cylinders to maintain function of reactor containment vessels (completed April 15)
- Measures that we will subsequently be taking include:
- Securing spare storage batteries
- Elevating emergency generators on the premises
- Securing spare equipment for emergency core cooling systems, etc.
- Elevating emergency materials and machinery storehouse on the premises
- In addition, we conducted our first emergency response training on March 29 to enhance our ability to respond to emergencies.
- Let me also mention that on March 30, Chubu Electric Power received the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry’s directive entitled “Regarding the Implementation of Emergency Safety Measures for the Other Nuclear Power Stations considering the Accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi and Dai-ni Nuclear Power Stations in 2011 (Directions).”
- Chubu Electric Power accepts this directive very sincerely and plans to respond to its requirements and report to the national government promptly after so doing.
- In future, we will continue to collect information, responding promptly and appropriately if new measures are necessary, and making every effort to win the understanding and trust of the local community.
That completes my remarks for today.