Other Press Conferences
Other Press Conferences
June 2019 Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan Press Conference with President Katsuno
June 14, 2019
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
- Today I will be discussing the Response to transition into the final stage of the electricity system reform.
Response to transition into the final stage of the electricity system reform
- Chubu Electric Power Company (Chuden) adopted an internal company system in April 2016 to enable flexible yet swift response to changes in our business environment, brought on by progress in the electricity system reform and intensification of competition in retail electricity. Since then, our power generation, power transmission and distribution, and retail businesses have worked toward establishing a structure that supports self-regulated business administration.
- In April 2019, Chuden and TEPCO Fuel & Power, Inc. integrated their existing thermal power generation operations in Japan, completing a series of value chains at JERA.
- In April 2020, Chuden will transition into a business model based on the separation of power generation and electricity retail, after spinning off the retail electricity business following the unbundling of the power transmission and distribution business.
- Each of the business companies will autonomously expand business in their respective business territories as well as with respective partners and customers in a bid to reinvent Chuden into a more robust corporate group.
- While Chuden takes a different corporate shape, there will be no change to our mission of providing stable, safe, high quality, and environmentally friendly energy at a reasonable price.
- Even after the company split, there will be continued collaboration among business companies for supply stability. This way, we will uphold the unchanging mission of delivering stable, safe and high-quality energy at a reasonable price, while taking on the challenge of transcending the existing framework of energy supply to “create new value” in our drive to achieve sustainable growth.
- This ends my presentation.