For the purpose of comprehensively and reliably promoting compliance, the Compliance Committee was established on December 1, 2002.
As of September 1,2024
Position | Full Name |
Chair | President and Representative Director / President and CEO Hayashi Kingo |
Vice-Chair | Senior Executive Officer / General Manager, Compliance Division / CCO / CLO Hasegawa Satoshi |
Committee member | External Lawyer Kawai Nobuko |
Chair, Chubu Electric Power Labor Union Headquarters Katsuoka Nobuaki |
Chubu Electric Power Grid Co.,Inc. Representative Director/President Shimizu Ryuichi |
Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Inc. Representative Director/President Kamiya Hironori |
Director, Internal Audit Office Mori Akihito |
General Manager, Business Administration Division (Group Management Support) Watarai Toshihiro |
General Manager, Human Resources Center, Management Services Division Sonoda Takayuki |
Director/Senior Audit & Supervisory Committee Member Furuta Shinji |
Outside Director/Audit & Supervisory Committee Member Murase Momoko |
Observer | Executive Officer / General Manager, Corporate Planning & Strategy Division / CRO Ooyabu Hiroshi |
(Note) CCO:Chief Compliance Officer
(Note) CLO:Chief Legal Officer
(Note)CRO:Chief Risk management Officer
- Deliberation on policies and measures to promote compliance in the Chubu Electric Power Group
- Investigation and deliberation to clarify facts related to compliance of the Chubu Electric Power Group, including cases on Helpline (internal consultation system)
- Advice and support to Chubu Electric Power Grid, Chubu Electric Power Miraiz and affiliated companies
- Provision of guidance in the event of compliance violations at Chubu Electric Power Grid, Chubu Electric Power Miraiz, and affiliates