Compliance Initiatives
Chubu Electric Power Initiatives
Consultation System
Chubu Electric Power, Chubu Electric Power Grid, and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz respectively have established "Helplines" for executives, employees, temporary employees, officers and workers of business partners and their retirees to prevent illegal, unfair, and unethical acts including corruption such as excessive entertainment and gift giving, abuse of authority, sexual harassment, and other human rights violations, as well as promote compliance. In addition to above, consultation desks are available through Chuden Group/Joint Helplines, as well as independently at each Group company, to enhance the consultation system.
In responding to consultations, the Chair of the Compliance Committee and the president of each company declare the protection of the consulters in the Helpline Regulations and the Chuden Group/Joint Helplines Rules, and ensure confidentiality and respect the wishes of the consulters. Anonymous consultation is also available.
The scope of consultation covered by Helplines is broader than that stipulated in the Whistleblower Protection Act. Protection of consulter is also in compliance with the said act.

Flow of Consultation
Upon a request for consultation, we will investigate the facts, decide on a response policy, take the necessary measures, and respond to the consulter.
Regarding post-consultation response, the situation shall be checked with the consulter or other parties in a timely manner to determine if there has been any unfavorable treatment, etc., and the necessary measures shall be taken.
All consultations are reported to the Compliance Committee promptly after the completion of the response, with the information of the consulter deleted, and the details of the consultation are approved.
However, in the case of critical issues, etc., the Compliance Committee is consulted in advance and measures are taken in accordance with the Chair's decision. In the event of compliance violation, we take appropriate measures such as correcting the violation or taking disciplinary measures against the offender.

Promotion System
Under the Board of Directors, the Compliance Committee has been established, and the deliberations of the meeting are reported to the Board of Directors.
The Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) has been appointed to be responsible for promoting compliance throughout the Chubu Electric Power Group.
Action Checkpoint "Four Questions"
Each and every individual uses the Action Checkpoint "Four Questions" to conduct a self-check and ensure that his or her actions are thoroughly in accord with compliance.
Awareness Raising and Training Activities
Among our initiatives to raise awareness and increase knowledge about compliance, we hold compliance lectures and training suited to each class of employee.
In addition, each department and regional office re-inspects business processes as part of their initiatives to conduct such processes appropriately.