Press Release
Start of 2nd Recruitment for Research by Public Call on Specific Topics Relating to Nuclear Power
November 06, 2020
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Chubu Nuclear Power Co., Inc. has decided to conduct its 2nd recruitment for research by public call on specific topics, with the objectives of advancing research that contributes to further enhancing safety and improving the operations of the Hamamatsu Nuclear Power Station, as well as further advancing R&D activities into new technologies that are necessary for promoting and using nuclear power generation in the future and contributing to developing human resources who will play important roles in the future of nuclear power.
Recruitment will begin on November 16.
[Overview of public recruitment]
1 Recruitment eligibility
Researchers or research group leaders who are engaged in scientific and technological research at nationwide universities and public research institutes who are capable of performing research on the fields of research listed in 2.
2 Fields of research involved in public recruitment
(1) Research regarding the treatment and disposal of spent fuel/radioactive waste
(2) Research regarding new technologies to enhance the safety of existing BWR reactors
(3) Research regarding the early detection of and countermeasures for large-scale natural disasters
3 Recruitment period
November 16, 2020 - December 22, 2020
4 Research period
5 years or less (Research should start in FY2021)
5 Research fee/number of research projects
Restricted to 100 million yen total, and 1 project will be adopted
6 Research format
Contract research or joint research
7 Selection method
Selections will be made based on the opinions and advice given by external academic experts.
(Selections will be made around March 2021.)
[Reference]Research by public call (general)
To further enhance the safety of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station and to improve the station's operations, Chubu Electric Power has been conducting research by public call (research by public call (general)) on a wide range of topics.
For the research by public call (general) that is to be started in FY2021, recruitment will begin in the first half of December 2020, separately from the research by public call on specific topics. Details will be provided at the start of recruitment.