Press Release

Press Release

Tajimi City, Chubu Electric Power, and Chubu Electric Power Grid Sign Agreement on Developing a Community Where Families May Raise Their Children with Peace of Mind

June 01, 2021
Tajimi City
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc.

Tajimi City (Mayor: Masanori Furukawa), Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (President & Director: Kingo Hayashi; "Chubu Electric Power"), and Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc. (President & Director: Yaoji Ichikawa; "Chubu Electric Power Grid") are pleased to announce that today they signed an Agreement on Developing a Community Where Families May Raise Their Children with Peace of Mind (“Agreement”).

Pursuant to this Agreement, Tajimi City, Chubu Electric Power, and Chubu Electric Power Grid will collaborate and cooperate in promoting the development of a community where families may raise their children with peace of mind.

1 Overview of Agreement


This Agreement provides opportunities that facilitate citizens’ acquisition of information about the community with regard to raising children so as to promote the development of a community where families may raise their children with peace of mind, and contributes to further developing the local community by continually supporting households with children from the time of pregnancy on.

(Key areas of Collaboration and Cooperation)

  • Dissemination of municipal information regarding child rearing
  • Creation of a framework and system for continually supporting child rearing from the time of pregnancy on

2 Specific Initiatives


"Child-rearing support"


[Dissemination of information]

  • Dissemination of information about child rearing via a child-rearing support app provided by Chubu Electric Power
    Period:May 1,2021~
    Target users: People residing, working, and attending school in Tajimi City

[Creation of framework and systems for continual support]

  • Consideration and demonstration of a platform for providing continual support from the time of pregnancy on
    Period:October 2021~(scheduled)
    Target users: People residing, working, and attending school in Tajimi City

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