Press Release

Press Release

Chubu Electric Power Joins Zutto-Genki (“Always Healthy”)! Preventive Long-Term Care Project Run Through Public-Private Partnership in Toyota City

June 30, 2021
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. is pleased to announce that we have put together and will spearhead a collaborative group of companies (“consortium”) to participate in the Zutto-Genki (“Always Healthy”)! Project, a preventive long-term care undertaking carried out by Toyota City (Mayor: Toshihiko Ota) and Dream Incubator Inc. (Representative Director & COO: Takayuki Miyake).

The current strains on the health and nursing care system resulting from the declining birthrate and aging population along with the Covid-19 pandemic have given rise to a new social issue in that the elderly have fewer opportunities to get out and face a greater risk of requiring care. The solution to these issues requires more opportunities and activities for the elderly to participate in society that will enable them to find connections with others, such as hobbies, exercise, and employment, as well as initiatives that help them to find meaning and joy in their lives. 

On July 1, Toyota City launched this project, which is a long-term care prevention undertaking made possible by a social impact bond (see note). Our consortium will leverage the expertise possessed by our member companies to offer programs for health promotion and hobbies both online and on-site with thoroughly implemented measures to prevent Covid-19 infection.

More specifically, we will sponsor health screenings and other events designed to promote health through distribution of physical exercise and vocalization classes, kimono outings, music appreciation, and other hobbies and interests. We will also make an effort to revitalize the community by providing opportunities for the elderly and other individuals to get out and walk around the city in addition to other initiatives.

Through our participation in the Zutto-Genki (“Always Healthy”)! Project, we will strive to improve elderly health and happiness, which will be conducive to long-term care prevention through this public-private partnership that is the goal of Toyota City. We aim to offer a broad range of attractive services for the public to participate in and work to sustainably develop the local community.

(Note) Mechanism that enables funds to be drawn from the private sector to carry out projects that will marshal the vitality and energy of the private sector to resolve social issues and that allows the city to pay for the project later based upon the degree to which the project achieves its objectives.

【Overview of Consortium】


July 1, 2021 ~ June 30, 2022

Target group

Senior citizens aged 65 and over residing in Toyota City

Participating businesses


Principal role (tentative)

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.

Overall planning and coordination
Planning and operation of community events

Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc.

Planning and operation of community events
Registration and support contact

Planets Toyota Co., Ltd.

Planning and operation of hobby and interest events

Kagome Co., Ltd.

Heath screening events

JTB Communication Design, Inc.

Online distribution of health exercise and vocalization classes

MTG Co., Ltd.

Provision of home fitness programs


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