Press Release
Press Release
Organizational Revision Effective April 01, 2022
January 28, 2022
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Chubu Electric Power is pleased to announce key elements of our decision to change the structure of our organization effective April 01, 2022 so as to better implement the Chubu Electric Power Group Management Vision 2.0, formulated in November 2021.
With this new organizational revision, Chubu Electric Power will ensure sustainable growth into the future.
(1) Business Area Expansion
- The Global Business Division is established to bolster and expand operations overseas, one of Chubu Electric Power’s new growth areas. Principally in Europe and Asia-Pacific, the division will spur business development in four fields: the Green Field focusing on renewable energies and other such business, the Blue Field concentrating on ammonia & hydrogen operations, CCUS (Note 1) and other processes relating to decarbonization, the Retail / Transmission & Distribution / New Services, and the New Technology Field directed toward tidal power generation and other innovative technologies.
- The Regional Infrastructure Business Office is established to offer new solutions for decarbonization, revitalization of primary industries, and other issues faced by local governments and customers.
(2) Strategic DX Promotion
- The Digital Transformation Strategy and Promotion Office is established to further facilitate DX (Note 2) advances throughout the entire Chubu Electric Power Group, thereby delivering higher value-added services to customers and society as well as making operations more advanced and efficient.
(3) Stronger Business Foundation
- Along with bolstering the strategy for diversifying, developing, and placing personnel in positions best suited to their aptitudes, the Human Resource Strategy Office is established to promote the creation of an environment and structure in which each and every one the Chubu Electric Power Group’s invaluable personnel is able to actively contribute and grow.
- The Kaizen Promotion Office is established to further expand, accelerate and consolidate Kaizen activities based on the Toyota production system principles throughout the entire Chubu Electric Power Group.
(Note 1) CCUS: Carbon capture, usage and storage
(Note 2) DX: Digital transformation