Press Release
PEA and Chubu Electric sign MoU For New Business Development
May 19, 2023
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Provincial Electricity Authority ("PEA") and Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (“Chubu”) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the development of new business yesterday.
PEA is an Electricity distribution and retail company with a supply area of more than 90% of all of Thailand, excluding the metropolitan area(Note1).
Since 2019, Chubu has concluded a MoU with PEA in the field of electric power technology, and through mutual technical cooperation, has been studying the advancement of power distribution system operation(Note2) and microgrid operation.
This MoU aims to establish a new cooperative framework that goes beyond the conventional framework of technical cooperation, with a view to developing new businesses that take an advantage of the technologies cultivated by both companies, such as micro-grid projects that fully utilize renewable energy, the use of EVs for demand response, and the introduction of next-generation smart meters in Thailand, and projects that utilize the data from these meters.
Through these efforts, we aim to realize a zero-emission society and contribute to the AZEC (Asia Zero Emission Community) (Note3).
Chubu will continue its efforts to realize its Management Vision 2.0 by aggressively developing its global business.
(Note1) MEA (Metropolitan Electricity Authority) supplies the metropolitan area.
(Note2) Technology that uses smart meters and sensors to monitor tidal currents, voltages, fault points, etc. in the power distribution system in real time for optimal operation.
(Note3) Japanese government-led efforts to decarbonize Asia through public-private partnerships
right:PEA, Mr. Supachai EK-UN, Governor
left:CHUBU, Mr. Hiroki Sato, CEO of Global Business Division