Press Release

Press Release

Reception of a statement of direction from the Commissioner of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry

July 14, 2023
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Inc.

Today, Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. ("Chubu Electric Power") and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Inc. ("Chubu Electric Power Miraiz") received a statement of direction from the Commissioner of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry requesting action to achieve sound development of the electricity industry.

Chubu Electric Power and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz will carefully review the statement and respond appropriately.

[Overview of the statement of direction]

Direction issued to the Chubu Electric Power

  • Swiftly discuss the specifics of reinforcing the indiscriminate wholesale of power generated by the Group to entities within and outside the Group, and building stable power trading relationships with diverse counterparties with short-term to long-term durations. Report on results by July 28.
  • Clarify the goal of Chubu Electric Power participating in the Federation of Electric Power Companies, Japan (FEPC) and implement necessary measures to secure transparency in the company's participation in the FEPC and in its cooperation with other utilities.

Direction issued to the Chubu Electric Power Miraiz

  • Swiftly discuss the specifics of expanding the number of stable and attractive price plans and services. Report on the results by July 28.

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