Press Release
A Joint Study on Output Control Avoidance Launches for Maximum Usage of Renewable Energy: Aiming to Match Demand Response with Renewable Energy Sources Subject to Output Control
August 22, 2023
NTT Data Corporation
Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc.
NTT Data Corporation ("NTT Data"), Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. ("Chubu Electric Power"), and Chubu Electric Power Grid Co., Inc. (Chubu Electric Power Grid) have signed a contract to jointly study a mechanism that harnesses demand response (DR) (Note 1) to shift the demand of distributed energy resources, which are consumed from the evening to the next morning, to a timeframe when the solar power output is controlled and thereby prevent the output of renewable energy from being curtailed. The joint study started today.
The supply of solar-power-generated and other sources of renewable energy has been rising significantly. Yet, Chubu Electric Power Grid controls the output to keep providing power stably when the supply of renewables exceeds demand.
The area serviced by Chubu Electric Power Grid experienced its first output control in FY2023, with 2.23 million kW (equivalent of approximately a quarter of the renewable energy generation capacity on the day) controlled at the time maximum surplus occurred.
There has been a consistent increase in the amount of introduced renewable energy generation equipment. More occasions and quantities of output control are expected to be seen from here on.
Maximizing renewable energy usage is critical in achieving carbon neutrality. Efforts to reduce instances of output control must be promoted while taking every step to supply power stably.
[Overview of study]
The study aims to utilize distributed energy resources (e.g., electric vehicles, heat pumps, batteries) to shift, to daytime, the demand between the evening and the next morning and thereby harness surplus power to avoid output control.
By reducing such factors as nighttime thermal power generation to increase renewable energy generation during the daytime, the study also aims to contribute to reducing fuel expenses and CO2 emissions, as well as to further promote the introduction of renewables and components that can accommodate the shift in demand.
[Roles of the three companies]
NTT Data is primarily responsible for considering an optimization algorithm for the matching process, based on the knowledge of platform development pertaining to data utilization/analysis as well as IoT component control. Chubu Electric Power and Chubu Electric Power Grid are, for the most part, in charge of considering a business scheme based on the knowledge of current output control mechanisms and various renewable energy-related systems.
[From here on]
Field tests will start in FY2024, aiming to achieve full-scale application by FY2027.
(Note 1) DR refers to changing power demand patterns by having the owner of the consumer-side energy resources or a third party control the energy resource.