Press Release
Application for Decommissioning Plan Change Approval for Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Units 1 and 2
March 14, 2024
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Chubu Electric Power (the "Company") hereby announces that today, pursuant to Article 12-6, Paragraph 3 of the "Act on Regulation of Nuclear Source Materials, Nuclear Fuel Materials and Reactors" as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 43-3-34, Paragraph 3 of the same Act, the Company submitted an application to the Nuclear Regulation Authority for approval of changes to the decommissioning plan (Note 1) for Units 1 and 2 of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station ("Decommissioning Plan").
The Company has been implementing Phase 2 of decommissioning work in accordance with the decommissioning plan, which was approved as modified on February 3, 2016. In preparation for Phase 3, the dismantlement of the reactor area (Note 2) of the first commercial light water reactor in Japan, we have been carefully studying safe and efficient dismantling methods and ways to reduce radioactive waste generated during dismantling as much as possible. Now that we have finalized the plan to move to Phase 3, we have applied for approval to change the decommissioning plan. The details of this application are as follows:
1. Concretization of dismantling work in Phase 3
Specific dismantling methods for core internals, reactor pressure vessels, reactor containment vessels, etc. were developed, and the results of the evaluation of exposure associated with dismantling operations were reflected.
As in the past, debris generated as a result of dismantling work will be reused as much as possible, and radioactive waste will be safely stored in the building until the disposal destination is determined.
2. Change in decommissioning schedule
In addition to a close examination of the schedule as the dismantling work takes shape, the plan was changed from one in which Unit 1 and 2 would be dismantled in parallel to one in which Unit 2 would be dismantled prior to Unit 1, and the schedule for Phase 3 was changed from the current 6 years to 12 years.
3. Other
(1) Change of seawater intake route
As decommissioning progresses, seawater will be taken from the intake tank at Unit 3. Since the intake canals and towers of Units 1 and 2 are no longer needed, the intake canals will be backfilled and the intake towers will be removed as restoration to their original condition in accordance with the Coast Act and the National Property Act.
(2) Appropriateness of description
The wording was revised and the descriptions were made more appropriate.
The Company will continue to steadily proceed with the decommissioning of Units 1 and 2, placing the highest priority on safety and ensuring transparency.
(Note 1) The decommissioning plans for Units 1 and 2 of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station stipulate the overall plan for the safe and reliable dismantling of the reactor facilities of Units 1 and 2, as well as the details of the work to be performed and safety assurance measures to be taken in the decommissioning process. The decommissioning of Units 1 and 2 will be conducted in four phases, from Phase 1 "Preparation for Dismantling" to Phase 4 "Period of Dismantlement of Buildings, etc."
(Note 2) The reactor area is the area including the reactor pressure vessel and the radiation shielding surrounding the reactor pressure vessel.