Press Release
Recruitment Plan for FY2025
March 27, 2024
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Three Chubu Electric Power companies, including Chubu Electric Power Grid and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz (the "Companies") have compiled our recruitment plan for FY2025 (Note).
The Companies have decided to hire a total of 660 employees, both regular and career hires, in the recruitment plan for FY2025 in order to strengthen the management foundation and steadily implement each business plan toward the realization of Chubu Electric Power Group Management Vision 2.0 formulated in November 2021.
In light of changes in the business environment, such as the transition to a decarbonized society and the progress of Digital Transformation ("DX"), we plan to hire 445 regular employees (up 5 from the previous year) from the perspective of securing personnel over the medium and long term to simultaneously achieve our "unchanging mission" of delivering high-quality energy in a safe, affordable and stable manner and "creating new value" by solving regional and social issues.
Regarding career hires, we plan to hire 215 new employees (up 55 from the previous year), mainly to secure human resources with immediate skills to work in new growth areas such as renewable energy business including offshore wind power, further expansion of global business, and acceleration of DX promotion, as well as to diversify human resources and upgrade operations in management divisions such as human resources and accounting.
We will continue to promote our human resources strategy and achieve sustainable growth by utilizing the respective characteristics of regular and career hires to continuously and timely recruit the human resources needed for the growth and transformation of our group.
(Note) The recruitment plan for FY2025 consists of regular hires scheduled to join in April 2025 and career hires scheduled to join during FY2024.
[Number of planned hires]
Category |
Plan for FY2025 |
Plan for FY2024 |
Regular hires |
Clerical position |
95 personnel |
90personnel |
Technical position |
350personnel |
350personnel |
Subtotal |
445personnel |
440personnel |
Career hires |
215personnel |
160personnel |
Total |
660personnel |
600personnel |