Press Release
Business alliance agreement with Welby for promotion of PHR services
April 10, 2024
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Chubu Electric Power today announced an agreement with Welby Inc. (President: Takeru Hiki, hereinafter "Welby") to form a business alliance for the development and dissemination of personal healthcare applications and services for medical institutions.
Under the agreement, the company will sell a majority stake in its subsidiary Medical Data Card Inc. (CEO: Yasuyuki Suzuki, hereinafter "MeDaCa") to Welby, and will acquire a portion of Welby's shares by subscribing to a third-party allotment of new shares.
In addition, the company will also sell a portion of its MeDaCa shares to Suzuken Co., Ltd. (President: Shigeru Asano, hereinafter "Suzuken"), an equity method affiliate of Welby, which has concluded a business alliance with the company (Press release issued on March 28, 2023). The three companies will then be able to jointly develop healthcare services to provide new value to the community.
Chubu Electric Power is developing and deploying healthcare services such as MeDaCa healthcare service and eFrail Navi, which detects people with frail conditions by analyzing electricity data and notifies local governments and community health nurses, etc., so that people can continue to live safely in their communities even as the birthrate declines and the aging population advances.
Welby has been a leading Personal Health Record ("PHR") service provider since 2011, offering a variety of PHR services such as "Welby My Chart" for patients with lifestyle-related diseases, and promoting social implementation of PHR in the public and private sectors through the activities of PHR Service Business Association, which Welby participated in establishing and serves as an executive officer.
The Suzuken Group supports the smooth sharing of patient information, etc. across occupational boundaries and facilities among the 200,000 medical and nursing care professionals who use the SNS "Medical Care Station," and also provides one-stop treatment support solutions that deliver information on digital services, products, etc. from collaborating companies to physicians and pharmaceutical companies through the "COLLABO Portal," a medical DX platform.
In the future, Chubu Electric Power together with Welby and Suzuken, aims to establish a system centered on Welby's PHR service that can provide a series of healthcare services to customers, medical institutions, and local governments by combining the services of the companies, and at the same time, the three companies will work together to provide new value through the creation of a "medical platform" by making maximum use of our contacts with customers and Suzuken's contacts with medical institutions and medical care providers.