Press Release
Launch of Nuclear Disaster On-Site Medical Network Operation at Nuclear Facilities
November 01, 2024
Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc.
Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Incorporated
Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Hokuriku Electric Power Company
The Kansai Electric Power Company, Incorporated
The Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc.
Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc.
Kyushu Electric Power Company, Incorporated
The Japan Atomic Power Company
Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd.
Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited
Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc., Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Incorporated, Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., Hokuriku Electric Power Company, The Kansai Electric Power Company, Incorporated, The Chugoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Kyushu Electric Power Company, Incorporated, The Japan Atomic Power Company, Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd., and Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (hereinafter collectively "Nuclear Licensees") hereby announce that on November 1, 2024, the On-Site Medical Network for Nuclear Disaster at Nuclear Facilities (hereinafter "All-Site ER (Note 2) Network") started its operation, in order to further expand the system of on-site medical care for nuclear disasters (Note 1).
According to the Regulatory Guide for Emergency Preparedness and Response (Note 3), Nuclear Licensees are required to be prepared to provide initial response services to people injured or sick at their nuclear facilities. To date, Nuclear Licensees have entered into an agreement with the Nuclear Safety Research Association regarding on-site medical care for nuclear disasters and have developed a system for convening medical staff and other personnel on the premises of a nuclear facility (on-site) in the event of an occurrence of a disaster.
In order to respond to the occurrence of injuries and sickness not only in the initial period after a nuclear disaster, but also over the medium to long term, Nuclear Licensees now have established the All-Site ER Network, a system similar to the emergency medical network already established at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, to further expand the system of on-site medical care for nuclear disasters.
Nuclear Licensees will enhance the effectiveness of on-site medical care for nuclear disasters by continuing to work to improve the system and environment for on-site response by physicians registered with the All-Site ER Network in the event of a nuclear disaster, disseminate information through academic conferences, provide on-site medical training opportunities to registered physicians, and share information between registered physicians and Nuclear Licensees.
Overview of All-Site ER Network
Physicians who have confirmed their ability to provide initial on-site medical support in the event of a nuclear disaster are invited to register with the All-Site ER Network. In the event of an actual disaster, the system is designed to request on-site medical support (shift support at an ER set up on site) from the Nuclear Licensees of the affected facilities to the physicians registered with the All-Site ER Network.The All-Site ER Network will have physicians registered from all over Japan, regardless of region, and this physician network will allow for smoother access to physicians and support for on-site medical care in the event of a nuclear disaster.
(Note 1) On-site medical care for nuclear disasters
Initial medical response for workers affected during emergency work on the premises of nuclear facilities (on-site) in the event of a nuclear disaster.
(Note 2) ER
Abbreviation for Emergency Room, a first aid facility to be located on the premises of a nuclear facility.
(Note 3) Regulatory Guide for Emergency Preparedness and Response
Established by the Nuclear Regulation Authority under Article 6-2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (Act No. 156 of 1999) for the smooth implementation of nuclear emergency response measures by Nuclear Licensee, the head of a Designated Government Organization, and the head of a Designated Local Government Organization, local government, Designated Public Corporation, or Designated Local Public Corporation, and any other relevant person or organization (Enacted on October 31, 2012).