Press Release

Press Release

Organizational Revision Effective April 01, 2025

November 26, 2024
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. would like to inform that the company has decided to revise its organization effective April 1, 2025, and hereby provide you with the main contents of the revision.

1 Establishment of Real Estate Business Division

To realize the Chubu Electric Power Group Management Vision 2.0, the Company is expanding its business domain into new growth areas and reforming its business model in addition to its core energy business.
In order to accelerate the further expansion of the real estate business, which is an important new growth area, the Real Estate Business Division will be established to consolidate and strengthen functions such as planning and development of community building, collaboration with group companies, and effective utilization of assets owned by Chubu Electric Power, in cooperation with Chuden Real Estate Co.,Inc. and ES-CON JAPAN Ltd., as a unified group.
Through this change, we will strive to enhance our corporate value and achieve sustainable growth in the region through community building that adds a variety of value, such as comfort and convenience, based on our energy services.

2 Establishment of Offshore Wind Power Department in Renewable Energy Company

In the Chubu Electric Power Group Management Vision 2.0, we have set a goal of "contributing to the expansion over 3.2 million kW through ownership, construction, and maintenance of renewable energy plants by around 2030," and the entire group is working together to develop renewable energy sources.
The Offshore Wind Power Department will be established to accelerate the decision-making process and expand the number of personnel involved in the development of offshore wind power generation to further promote the development.

3 Reorganization of indirect management structure

Since the spin-off in April 2020, the Company has been working to improve the efficiency of indirect management functions by consolidating similar functions at headquarters, and to reduce costs as well as maintain and improve quality by consolidating common operations.
In order to further increase efficiency and improve the quality of operations, the Company will reorganize itself into a divisional structure directly under the President, specializing and concentrating on each function.

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