Press Release

Press Release

Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactor No. 4 Undergoes Periodic Inspection

October 13, 2010
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactor No. 4 (boiling water reactor; rated output: 1,137 MW) will begin its 12th periodic inspection on October 14, 2010.

The periodic inspection, including power adjustments, is scheduled to last about four months.

During the periodic inspection, the reactor, cooling system equipment, containment equipment, and steam turbine equipment will undergo inspection, and 184 of the total 764 fuel assemblies will be replaced. Of these, 28 fuel assemblies will be replaced with MOX fuel.



Major Inspections and Work Performed During Periodic Inspection at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactor No. 4

(1) Major inspections

a. Reactor

Inspection of reactor pressure vessel, structures inside reactor, and fuel

b. Reactor cooling system equipment

Inspection of pipes, heat exchangers, pumps and valves

c. Measurement and control system equipment

Inspection of control rod drive system, inspection and calibration of various measurement devices

d. Radiation control equipment

Inspection and calibration of various radiation control measurement devices

e. Reactor containment equipment

Seal testing of reactor building, containment equipment

f. Steam turbines

Opening and inspection of condensers, inspection of auxiliary equipment

g. Other

Inspection of scrapped equipment, fuel equipment, emergency backup generator equipment, electrical equipment, etc.

(2) Major work

Of the total 764 fuel assemblies, 184 will be replaced. Of these, 28 fuel assemblies will be replaced with MOX fuel.

We will also overhaul equipment that is past its check period.

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