Press Release
Press Release
Status at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station following Earthquake(As of 1:00 AM)
August 02, 2011
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
This is to announce the status of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station following the earthquake that occurred around 23:58 yesterday with its hypocenter in Suruga Bay.
Tremors at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactors No. 1 - 5 were 42 - 49 gal.
Systems cooling spent fuel in the decommissioned Nos. 1 and 2 are functioning normally, and "stopping," "cooling" and "containing" systems of the currently stopped Nos. 3, 4, and 5 are also functioning normally.
Further, by way of precaution, equipment is currently undergoing inspection.
Areas outside the power station have not been impacted by radioactivity.