Press Release
Results for CO2 Emission Intensities per Unit of Electric Power (FY2008-2012)
July 05, 2013
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Conforming to the stipulations of the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures ("Global Warming Countermeasures Act" below), Chubu Electric Power's FY2012 CO2 emission intensities was 0.373kg-CO2/kWh,*1 a 19.7% reduction against the company's FY1990 figure. As a result, our five-year average figure for FY2008-2012 was 0.404kg-CO2/kWh,*2 a 12.9% reduction against FY1990.*3
While we had previously worked towards the target of a 20% reduction against the FY1990 figure for average CO2 emission intensities in the five-year period from FY2008-2012, we were unable to achieve it due to factors including the shutdown of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station following the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011 and a subsequent increase in thermal generation.
Facing a severe business environment, even following the Great East Japan Earthquake, we proceeded with initiatives including increasing the thermal efficiency of our coal-fired power stations and moving ahead with the use of renewable energies, and we also procured approximately 53 million tons of CO2 emissions credits over the five-year period. Although we failed to realize our target, we continued in our efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, and would have achieved a reduction of greater than 20% against FY1990 had it not been for the effects of the shutdown of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station.
Chubu Electric Power will continue to work diligently to reduce CO2 emissions on both the supply and demand sides in order to help prevent global warming.
*1, *2 0.373kg-CO2/kWh*1 and 0.404kg-CO2/kWh*2 represent emission intensity after deduction of Kyoto Mechanism credits, etc. from actual CO2 missions in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (CO2 emissions intensity following adjustment). These figures prior to these deductions (actual CO2 emissions intensity) were 0.516kg-CO2/kWh*1 and 0.487kg-CO2/kWh.*2
*3 Notification of results, as stipulated by the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (CO2, is scheduled to be submitted at the end of July. The figure for five-year average CO2 emission intensities used for FY2008-2012 specified as a target may be modified slightly due to the reflection of further credits as a result of delays in United Nations reviews, etc.