Press Release

Press Release

FY2015 Operating Objectives

April 28, 2015
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.

This is to announce that Chubu Electric Power has established its FY2015"Operating Objectives," which summarizes our new management plans.

In order to continue our safe and stable supply of electric power, we will continue to put every effort into our "initiative to further enhance safety of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station."

Within a significantly changing business environment surrounding us, we will not only adequately respond to these transitions, but seize them as an opportunity, carrying out group-wide efforts to further develop Chubu Electric Power Group in a drive to outperform competitors.

[Four Key Initiatives]

1. Initiative to further enhance safety of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station

2. Initiative for stable supply of electric power

3. Initiative for management efficiency

4. Initiative for the changing business environment

[Initiatives for achieving "What We Aim For"]

1. Delivering reasonable and high-quality energy with stability

2. Achieving a total energy service corporation

3. Develop overseas energy business

4. Initiative for business continuity in the event of a major earthquake, etc.

Chubu Electric Power Group will lay down the four key initiatives as a stepping stone to actively work to achieve "What We Aim For" in different business areas, which is to become "a corporate group that satisfies all energy-related needs and keeps growing." This will enable us to cater to customers and shareholders, as well as the society's expectation and trust, while also allowing the fulfillment of our social responsibility as good corporate citizens that gives people peace of mind.


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