Press Release
Issuance of "Chubu Electric Power Group Annual Report 2017"
July 07, 2017
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
We hereby announce that we have issued "Chubu Electric Power Group Annual Report 2017" which organizes main activities of FY2016 concerning corporate social responsibility (CSR) and financial affairs of the Chubu Electric Power Group.
In this report, improvements were made aiming to compile a report that exhibits "value creating process", enhances story of the entire booklet based on said process and coveys fascination of Chubu Electric Power and mid to long-term growth.
In order to have stakeholders further understand business activities of the Chubu Electric Power Group, complete picture of business activities where 3 companies, JERA and group companies work together as one to creates values along the flow of delivering electricity to customers is reported.
As a foundation that supports and evolves creation of values, CSR activities are reported from the standpoint of ESG (Note) which investors are highly interested in.
(Note) Abbreviation for Environment, Social, Governance
In "FOCUS", the following items which readers are highly interested in and which are important activities of the Chubu electric Power Group are reported.
- Activities that further improve safety of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station
- Expansion of new business area (entry into household city gas market, expansion of electricity sales in the metropolitan area)
- Aim of JERA to become a global energy company
- Use of leading-edge technology including ICT
"Chubu Electric Power Group Annual Report 2017" can be downloaded from our website.
The Chubu Electric Power Group will respond to trust and expectations of stakeholders including customers and realize corporate philosophy of "delivering energy essential to everyday life and contributing to development of the society".