Press Release
FY2018 Measures for Management Issues: Working Toward Realizing the Management Vision
March 27, 2018
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Chubu Electric Power has developed its FY2018 Measures for Management Issues, which summarize concrete efforts toward realizing its Management Vision.
The environment around energy business is changing drastically. Examples include competition heating up from the liberalization of electricity and gas retailing, the supply-and-demand structure changing with greater introduction of renewable energy, and ESG (see note) management becoming increasingly important.
(Note) ESG: Environmental, social, and corporate governance
Amid such changes, the following four priority measures will be promoted to both fulfill Chubu Electric Power Group's unwavering mission and to contribute to social development by providing new value:
[Four priority measures]
1 Further increasing the safety of Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station
2 Ensuring stable energy supply for a new age
3 Strengthening the business foundation for growth and growing sustainably
4 Establishing a business mechanism/foundation to instantly respond to changes in environment
For now, Chubu Electric Power will aim to realize its management goal of achieving a consolidated ordinary income of at least 150 billion JPY by FY2018, and reinforce its business foundation for growth by further increasing management efficiency and both developing and commercializing new development areas. In turn, Chubu Electric Power will grow sustainably after nurturing new development areas into core earnings sources, thereby living up to the trust and expectations of customers, society, and shareholders.
Chubu Electric Power Group will make steady progress toward its management vision of becoming a leading total energy service corporate group.