Press Release
Start of a Demonstration of Electric/Water/Gas Usage Data Collection Using the Electricity Smart Meter Telecommunication System in Hamamatsu-shi
December 12, 2018
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Chubu Gas Co., Ltd./Gastec Service, Inc.
Mitsubishi Corporation
Hamamatsu-shi (Mayor: Yasutomo Suzuki), Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (location: Higashi-ku, Nagoya-shi, President & Director: Satoru Katsuno; hereinafter "Chubu Electric Power"), Chubu Gas Co., Ltd., a core company of the Sala Group, and Gastec Service, Inc. (location: Toyohashi-shi, Aichi Prefecture; President & Representative Director: Hiroshi Torii; hereinafter "Chubu Gas/Gastec Service") and Mitsubishi Corporation (location: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Takehiko Kakiuchi; hereinafter "Mitsubishi Corporation") will conduct a demonstration (hereinafter, "Ⅾemonstration") on the remote collection of electric/water/gas usage data using Chubu Electric Power's electric smart meter telecommunication system in Hamamatsu-shi starting today until February 2019.
Hamamatsu-shi is working on many research projects based on public-private partnerships to realize "Smart City ver. Hamamatsu", a resilient and low carbon society that can secure the necessary energy, as established in the "Hamamatsu-shi Energy Vision".
In the society with a declining and aging population, "Smartification" or the introduction of information management using ICT in these areas is expected to lead to innovation, not only in the energy field, but in all aspects of civic life.
The Demonstration will build and verify a data collection system that collects and manages the data from each meter for electricity, water, city gas, and LP gas installed in single-family houses in the Hamamatsu-shi area. It will contribute to realizing a low-cost and effective transmission network for collecting regional electricity, water, and gas usage data, building a foundation for smartification initiatives.
We will be discussing ways to use or provide services based on the collected data to make the lives of the local residents more comfortable and convenient.
Hamamatsu-shi, Chubu Electric Power, Chubu Gas/Gastec Service, and Mitsubishi Corporation will continue to cooperate and combine the infrastructure and knowledge at their disposal in tackling the societal challenges facing our world today.