Press Release
Supply of CO2-free Electricity, generated in Nagano Prefecture, to the Venue of the G20 Ministerial Meeting
June 11, 2019
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Shizen Energy Inc.
Public Enterprise Bureau, Nagano Prefectural Government
Chubu Electric Power Company (President Satoru Katsuno; hereinafter "Chuden"), Shizen Energy Inc. (Representative Directors Ken Isono, Kenji Kawado and Masaya Hasegawa; hereinafter "Shizen Energy") and Public Enterprise Bureau of the Nagano Prefectural Government (Public Enterprise Administrator Toru Kobayashi) have announced that the venue of the "G20 Ministerial Meeting on Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth," to be held at Karuizawa Price Hotel (Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture) on June 15 and 16, will be powered with CO2-free electricity, generated with hydropower in Nagano Prefecture.
In this initiative, Chuden supplies electricity free of CO2 emissions from June 13 to June 16, tapping into CO2-free value of electricity generated at hydroelectric stations in Nagano Prefecture, including the Obuse Matsukawa Hydraulic Power Plant (Obuse-Machi, Kamitakai-Gun, Nagano Prefecture) owned by Shizen Energy's subsidiary, Nagano Shizen Energy Limited, and other hydro plants owned by Nagano Prefectural Government's Public Enterprise Bureau.
The fact that electricity generated at hydroelectric facilities located in Nagano Prefecture is used will be displayed at a monitor at the site of the G20 Ministerial Meeting to publicize the initiative.
Chuden will continue to use the customer-participating energy trading platform, "Korekara Denki," to bring low-carbon power sources and other local power sources to customers, thereby boosting the level of customer satisfaction further.
Shizen Energy is committed to contributing to the establishment of a sustainable society by not only developing power stations using natural energy but also supplying electricity that is derived from practically 100% natural resources or free of CO2 emissions.
The Public Enterprise Bureau of the Nagano Prefectural Government works on contributing to and co-existing / co-prospering with local communities through the stable delivery and expanded use of renewable energy using water resources.