Press Release

Press Release

Eco de Heat EX Wins ECCJ Chairman's Award - Product & Business Model Category of 2024 Energy Conservation Grand Prize -

December 16, 2024
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Inc.
Degree Corporation
Fine Machine Kataoka Co., Ltd.

Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. (President & Director: Kingo Hayashi, Location: Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture), Chubu Electric Power Miraiz Co., Inc. (President: Yasunori Kamiya, Location: Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture), Degree Corporation (President: Shigeo Mori, Location: Suzuka, Mie Prefecture) and Fine Machine Kataoka Co., Ltd. (President: Keiji Kataoka, Location: Anjo, Aichi Prefecture) have jointly developed Eco de Heat EX, a cleaning fluid heating system using a heat pump (announced on October 23, 2023).
Today, the four companies received the ECCJ Chairman's Award in the Product & Business Model Category of the 2024 Energy Conservation Grand Prize (sponsored by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan "ECCJ") for Eco de Heat EX.

The Energy Conservation Grand Prize is an awarding program that recognizes outstanding energy conservation efforts by companies and businesses that serve as models for others, as well as products and business models that excel in energy conservation.

The award was given in recognition of the high operating efficiency and space saving of the system, as well as the greatly improved ease of cleaning and maintenance of the heat exchanger compared to conventional heat pump systems, achieved by adopting a method of direct heating of cleaning fluid by pump-heated refrigerant in the industrial circulating heat pump, which is mainly applicable to the cleaning process of metal machine parts.

The four companies will continue to create and provide new value to solve social issues as well as contribute to customers' productivity improvement and a decarbonized society.

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