Press Release
Status at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station following Earthquake (Follow-up Report)(As of 3:00 AM)
August 02, 2011
Chubu Electric Power Co.,Inc.
No irregularities have been found by inspections of equipment at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactors No. 1 - 5 following the earthquake that occurred around 23:58 yesterday with its hypocenter in Suruga Bay.
[Previously announced information]
This is to announce the status of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station following the earthquake that occurred around 23:58 yesterday with its hypocenter in Suruga Bay.
Tremors at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station Reactors No. 1 - 5 were 42 - 49 gal.
Systems cooling spent fuel in the decommissioned Nos. 1 and 2 are functioning normally, and "stopping," "cooling" and "containing" systems of the currently stopped Nos. 3, 4, and 5 are also functioning normally.
Further, by way of precaution, equipment is currently undergoing inspection.
Areas outside the power station have not been impacted by radioactivity.
(The above was previously announced at 1:45 AM, August 02, 2011.)