Initiatives Related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I)

Respect for Human Rights

To realize a society where all human rights are respected, we have established the Chubu Electric Power Group Basic Human Rights Policy in part to fulfill our corporate social responsibility. We have launched awareness-raising programs, in the form of harassment and discrimination training and seminars, to put into action corporate activities in accordance with this policy.

In addition, if a human rights issue is encountered, we have a system in place to conduct a factual verification and then take appropriate action.

Chubu Electric Power Company-Wide Human Rights Awareness Promotion Plan

In accordance with the Chubu Electric Power Group Basic Human Rights Policy, we systematically and continually implement the following awareness-raising activities so that we may fulfill our corporate social responsibility with the goal of realizing a society in which all human rights are respected.

  • Human Rights Awareness Training

    So that personnel have a proper understanding and increase their awareness of the problem of social discrimination and other human rights issues, Chubu Electric Power takes advantage of opportunities when stratified training and workplace training is provided to educate our employees about these issues. In addition, we actively participate in outside training on human rights issues sponsored by relevant government agencies and organizations.

  • Human Rights Awareness-raising Programs

    To raise personnel’s awareness of and respect for human rights, we hold awareness-raising programs during specific times of the year, such as Gender Equality Week (June 23~29) and Human Rights Week (December 4~10).

  • Consultation Services

    Toward achieving our aim of creating positive workplaces that are comfortable to work in, we have strived to raise recognition and awareness among employees and coworkers about our Harassment Consultation Service and Human Resources Consultation Office, both of which support this aim.

  • Cooperation with Chubu Electric Power Group Companies

    To raise awareness about human rights throughout all Chubu Electric Power Group companies, we are cooperating with affiliates to implement human rights awareness-raising activities.

Overview of the Chubu Electric Power Group’s Human Rights Initiatives

The Chubu Electric Power Group is implementing (1) Commit to protecting human rights through policy, (2) Implementing human rights due diligence and (3) Development of remedies, to prevent, alleviate, or remedy negative effects on human rights in line with the human rights frameworks such as the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, one of the most important international frameworks for companies and human rights.

3 initiatives Details Initiatives at Chubu Electric Power
(1)Commit to protecting human rights through policy Formulate a response policy for human rights and publicly commit to it as a company. Revised the Chubu Electric Power Group Basic Human Rights Policy
(2)Implementing human rights due diligence Conduct a survey internally and externally to identify the effects on human rights and implement preventative and response measures for risks to human rights that were identified Build a Group-wide operating structure Develop standards for assessing human rights risks Implement preventative and corrective measures
(3)Development of remedies Develop and operate a process that can remediate the negative impact on human rights caused or facilitated by the company Establish and appropriately operate a remediation desk

Governance Structure Respecting Human Rights

  • The CSR Committee is chaired by the President and consists of the Executive Vice Presidents and Executive Officers of Chubu Electric Power, and the Presidents of Chubu Electric Power Grid and Chubu Electric Power Miraiz.
  • In principle, the CSR Committee meets once a year to discuss human rights-related issues, confirm the progress of the previous year's initiatives, deliberate on the current year's plans, and monitor human rights due diligence.
    Matters considered and decided by the Chubu Electric Power Human Rights Committee will be reported to the Executive Committee and other bodies as necessary. (Report to the Executive Committee on the formulation of the Human Rights Policy: July 2023)
Governance Structure Respecting Human Rights

Implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence

Identification and Assessment of Human Rights Risk

Identification and Assessment of Human Rights Risk

Regarding human rights due diligence where effectiveness is required, we identified human rights risks that could potentially arise in Chubu Electric Power's business activities and prioritized them through dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
Human rights issues were identified by analyzing internal rules, the results of interviews with employees, past lawsuits, and the content of human rights-related consultations and reports. These issues were then evaluated in terms of "potential for human rights violations," "scale of human rights violations," "scope of human rights violations," and "correctability (possibility of affected victims to return to their original state in which they enjoyed such human rights)."
As a result, the risks identified are "long working hours," "occupational health and safety," "workplace bullying," "sexual harassment," "rights of indigenous and local people," "insufficient and unpaid wages, living wage," "right to privacy," "child labor," "forced labor," "discrimination," and "freedom of association." We take preventive and corrective measures against these risks.

Implementing Preventative and Corrective Measures

Implementing Human Rights Training (FY2022)

The following measures were implemented on employees in accordance with the Chubu Electric Power Group Basic Human Rights Policy.

  • Staged training on human rights awareness and harassment prevention (approx. 750 participants)
  • Participated in human rights seminars outside of the company (approx. 30 times)
  • Established a "Company-wide Human Rights Awareness Committee" and held human rights lectures (once a year regularly)

Supply Chain Initiatives

If apparent and potential human rights risks attributable to the supplier are identified in the risk identification and assessment process, the supply chain management structure and scheme need to be swiftly strengthened. Chubu Electric Power administers a questionnaire every year to important suppliers to monitor measures being implemented in CSR and ESG, which includes human rights, to identify human rights risks in the supply chain.


  • Hazardous areas within the workplace were identified in safety activities support (Note) and new mirrors were installed on the curbs.
    (Note) Initiative to systematically survey the state of safety activities and safety management by having safety officers visit each workplace to check on documents, take field tours, and perform interviews, in order to secure the safety of employees and to make the workplace environment comfortable.
  • The Renewable Energy Company installed soundproofing sheets taking into account the opinions of local residents on the noises that could occur in facility construction work, heard when visiting individual homes.

Remediation Mechanism

Chubu Electric Power has set up consultation and reporting desks within and outside of the company to respond appropriately to human rights issues raised by stakeholders at all levels.
If there is a human rights abuse complaint filed, it is investigated swiftly and measures to correct the negative impact on human rights are swiftly implemented. In FY2022, 31 cases were filed with the human rights consultation desk, and necessary corrective measures and recurrence prevention measures were taken for each.

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