Key Point of President's Regular Press Conference
December 22, 2015
- Looking back over the past year
- Full retail deregulation of electric power
- Measures implemented at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station
- Launch of the internal company system
November 25, 2015
- Launch of the Internal Company System
- Progress made in the refurbishment of Nishi-Nagoya Thermal Power Station
October 30, 2015
- FY2015 second quarter financial results
- Galloping countermeasures for the Shinano-Toshin transmission line
- Start of construction on Mega Solar Kawagoe
- Energy-saving requests for this winter
September 29, 2015
- New initiatives directed toward the full deregulation of electric power
- Electrical power supply and demand results for the summer
August 03, 2015
- Applications of wheeling charges
- Initiatives by Chubu Electric Power’s research and development centers
- KatEne Fresh Summer Campaign
June 25, 2015
- My thoughts as I assume the post of President
- Appointment of officers
- In conclusion
June 25, 2015
- General Meeting of Shareholders
- Stepping down as Chairman
June 25, 2015
- Introduction of new officers
- A brief overview of these five years
- As Chairman
June 02, 2015
- Starting an Overseas Energy-Saving Support Service
- Progresses in key works
- Nuclear Power Safety Technology Research Center presentation workshops
April 28, 2015
- Overview of financial results
- FY2015 “Operating Objectives”
- Chubu Electric Power’s executive officers and other matters
March 24, 2015
- Chairman Mita’s Message
- President Mizuno’s Message
- Executive Vice President Katsuno’s Message
March 24, 2015
- Filing of “FY2015 Electric Power Supply Plan”
February 24, 2015
- Renewal of household customer online member service "Club KatEne"
- The status of electricity supply and demand this winter up to the present
January 30, 2015
- FY2014 Third-quarter Financial Results
- FY2014 year-end dividend forecast
- Selection of the successful bidder for the FY2014 thermal power bid
- Implementation of emergency response drills